Saturday, December 18, 2010
DADT... Don't Assume Don't Touch?
Justin Smith after the game was reported to have said that he didn't realize that he was pushing an official. "It was me and the tight end," Smith said to reporters, "and next thing you know it was an arm and it was just a reaction. But a rule's a rule."
A rule's a rule? OK not the guy that you ask to make split second decisions for you. He knew going into the game that putting your hands on an official as a player is a no - no. He knew that and did it anyway. Why? Because he has been told that he is the best defensive player on his team, or at least the best defensive lineman on the team one time too many. That in most egotistical minds says I have the right to do what I want, I am not the law, I am above the law!
Did people come to watch Rodman kick camera men in the midsection during Bulls games? Are they comparing the Black Mamba to the Worm? Sarcastically grinning, and shaking my head and saying: Noooo......! But to some it is a bonus feature. A great fan wants to see a great game, not a fool in a great game. He should be made an example of.
Ex-coach Alosi should be made an example and I believe the last word was that he has been canned, and banned. Good for the Jets, the NFL, for game. League owners, team owners, team coaches (props to Avery Johnson), team captains please, please, please bring more axes, and chop a few more heads and get the above the law players off of your fields, courts, courses, and tracks!
Props to my wife's brother on the LeBron call, this video is dedicated to you. He made a comment about LeBron running around the court in the Knicks game like he was an airplane. Class Act or No Class? I have to say that Mike Tolbert... whom had his helmet ripped off, and played on is a Class Act! That my friends is a classy, and a manifestation of play that is worthy of "earning" a nice salary. In my book Mike Tolbert is a player that deserves both player, and fan admiration! I am not a Charger hater, but certainly not a fan. However, you Mike Tolbert, have a new fan in me.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Should Athletes Pay Back Impermissible Funds?
Greg Little was declared permanantly ineligible after taking impermissible funds. So my question is what would be fair punishment? Is being displaced from the team, and declared ineligible for NCAA Athletics enough? Is it too strick to make them pay restitution back to the university, or school in which he has given a blackeye? If so, should the fine be great enough to bring down his agent, or agency as well? What say you?
Friday, November 19, 2010
For Better, Not For Worse...
For your health, pedal money can be an investment, but are you matching school money to pedal money, or exceeding it? Ah ha! AH HA! says the wise old Jewish man in his raspy voice sitting in the barber shop, "What do you know from funny anyway, you..." he says! But humorous or not, he knows what makes him smile, and what has for generations. Have you invested the time, or the funds, and effort to make you smile for a lifetime? If not no better time than now to start, and yes imperfect Christian, and writer of this blog I am talking to you! :) Oh and remember at least the prodigal son did return home!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ... that real PB&and Joy
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Settling The Score

October 15th was a weekend that was difficult to get through. Our student body was hurting because of the fatal car accident. The staff was in shock, I am certain, as well as the community of parents. Sporting events were rescheduled, and the school was used for a sanctuary for many. We will miss our two friends, and continue to pray for their families.
The score on the board in the picture above was taken from a distance but reflects a score that was created by a group of resilient young men. This group of young mean was our soccer team. The soccer team played a top ranked conference rival last week and our team was a team with a lot of weighted hearts. Tuesdays game was not a very pleasant outing. The game was played early so our students could return home to our school on time for the first Memorial Service. It was a very tough day indeed.
The next conference game was delayed as well and it was played on Thursday night of last week after the second memorial service. It was titled a Celebration of Life Service for the second student. Our guys came out flat and appeared to have very little energy. My wife at the start of the game recognized that the flag was still at full staff, and said that I should go lower it to half mast. I got permission to enter the field at half time from our coach and did just that. I was also granted one last pep talk with our seniors. I reminded them of the story I had told them a few years back about a 10 year old little boy. My grandmother frequently uses "The Little Boy" to drive her point home. On Thursday night so did I. The little boy was 10, was living in the mean city streets of Los Angeles, and was approached by a group of teen agers ranging from 13-15. One of the 13 year olds decided to make an attempt to bully the 10 year old. The 13 year old learned that day to never underestimate an opponent as he was downed by the younger smaller boy. You see this 10 year old kid felt like David. He didn't feel that he could be defeated. David in faith knew that God had prepared his way. This little boy had a strong confidence like David that he could not lose, and he didn't! Our team persevered and came back from an 0-2 first half deficit to settle the score with a heavy conference rival and defeated them 3-2. Of course everyone at the game that night from our county swore that our county, and the neighboring county where our rival was from knew that we had won instantaneously, or so I am told, because of my big mouth! Good for them and everyone else I guess. (Huge smile...)
We played our next game on the road, the first of our last two, against another well rounded conference rival. They were skilled, and physical, but once again and in even finer fashion, we were that 10 year old boy that had a huge heart with great confidence and the 2-0 score reflects just that! The picture above is from my phone, and is a bit blurry, but it says: Home 0 - Vistors 2! I am proud of our guys, and wished the fairy tale ending would have seen us take the final game as well, but we fell short to a very well coached and skilled team. Our guys left it all on the field last night, and knowing that I cannot speak for everyone, but feel they would agree that I, nor could any other parent have asked for more! I am proud of our team, there accomplishments, and pray that the spirit of David a ruddy little boy, and that 10 year old stay with our guys for all of their lives!!! Much respect as they say in Jamaica, and much love...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Astro Fans And Bravery... The video says it all...
One reporter said, "Of course he lost it in the lights. Here hoping that the couple stopped at a sporting goods store for some eyeblack. You know, right after their post game trip to the florist." Yahoo Sports ~Duk
He wouldn't be concerned with his stop after the game for blackeye Duk in a man's baseball city. He would have been laughed out of most parks, heckled to the point of wanting to beat himself half to death with his program, and then finishing the job with his 'I failed scouts manual...' LA, NY, Chicago lookout fizzled shooting star fan, you are in for a ride! Better yet if homegirl was from one of those cities, she would have blacked his eye for him!
I have taken my crew to quite a few Single A Tourist games over the years, and seen a couple of hilarious events take place. Drunks, are often good for a laugh, but hard headed kids are the best! I listened to a mom tell her two boys, that were approximately 10 & 12 years old, to sit and pay attention to the game. They turned a deaf ear. I told my boys that we were on the first base side, and to beware of the right handed batters drilling a foul ball our way. Well Craig Catallanote (sorry if I butchered the last name Craig) popped one sky high on the right side off of a lefty. I jumped up in a near empty right field bleacher section and gave chase. The ball came down near the two disobedient boys, and took a one bouncer off of the crete, and then took a shot off of the ring leaders face, and straight into my hands! I held the ball up, tried not to laugh as I grinned from ear to ear, and the crowd booed me! I then took the ball over to my middle son, who was paying attention, and received a standing O from about 25 people, it was great!
Then here's one for the not so brave (no pun intended because the Stro's played the Braves in the game involving the cowardly fan) boyfriend... Justin Lincoln hit a million miler per hour line drive foul ball from the right side (batting stance/left side of the plate) to the right side (first base side) at my family! My kids were wide eyed, I didn't stand quickly enough, praise God that ball was moving, put bare hands out in front of my wife, and it sailed just over us, toward a couple in their late 50's early 60's perhaps? The husband of the more mature couple tried to shield his wife as well, but unfortunately it didn't sail past her. She had awesome reflexes though. She got her arms up to protect a well preserved face, and took that line drive off of the elbow! Her elbow in just a few minutes was swollen to the size of a grapefruit! The EMT's came, her husband begged her to go to the ER. She said don't be silly, you haven't been to a game in years! The EMT's wrapped her elbow in ice, the Tourist gave them free drinks, and she proved that Single A Asheville have more courageous fans than most Single A facilities, and even one MLB camp, not to call anyone out Houston... Lol
I am waiting for the Yanks to blow up next, but the fans don't put on half the show that the pinstripers do. ;)
Monday, July 19, 2010
What's Your First Step? Please Comment the blog... Inquiring minds want to know...
Great entry level bike... doesn't make me LeMond, or the Livestrong man.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Bending Over Backwards!

Even the toughest of metals will flex with enough pressure. A very tough Mr. Jackson would train his fighters and tell them to keep the pressure on! "Pressure will bust a pipe!" He would yell, "You know why guys can't stop Mike Tyson? Even the ones too dumb to respect his power? Because they wait for him! Pressure will bust a pipe!" I took that saying with me from the brief stint that I was in his building, all the way to the basketball court, and the soccer field as a coach! I yell from the side, "Pressure, Pressure, Pressure!!!" The kids respond, and when they finally trust one another, then they see the results! Another saying that I will use via Doc Rivers! "Trust one another!" Coach John Wooden "The Wizard of Westwood" said, "Dont hurry (rush), be quick!" He led UCLA to their first National Championship over a much bigger Duke in 1964 without a player over 6'5" on route to the first of 10! His players loved him! They respected him, trusted him, and would bend over backwards for him! Like any relationship should be! Marriage, career, etc...
One of my fav's is: "It's not love if you 'have' to bend over backwards, it is love when you want to bend over backwards."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pre-Game Interview Jeopardy Style!

Shrek in a wreck, Pau!
Here are the song titles for answers that the players will respond in the form of a Jeopardy like question:
"Mama I'm Comin' Home" Ozzy Osbourne
Derek Fisher - What Derek Fisher said to his wife after the Lakers took game three in Boston?
"6 Minutes" Doug E. Fresh
Pau Gasol - What is what the Celtics score should reflect after great Laker defense.
"Wind Beneath My Wings" Bette Middler
Andrew Bynum - Which is the song that says Shannon Brown can soar higher than an eagle.
"Mama Said Knock You Out" LL Cool J
Ron Artest - What is what Ron's mama said to do to Rajon Rondo without moving, by allowing him to run into his elbow.
"I'm A Winner Either Way" - McKameys
Kobe Bryant - What is what the Celtics will say while trying to psych themselves up with as they deal with denial.
"We Are The Champions" Queen
Phil Jackson - What Phil Jackson will hear for the 11th time after tonights game.

Lord, I am not blogging because I am superstitious, I am here because I believe in favor... I am a wretch that deserved a devils hell, but was graced with a Savior. Each blog that I have called on You in this series has resulted in a Lakers victory! Can I get a Laker blowout tonight? I know it's not my birthday, or my rebirthday (born again), but it would be nice to have game seven go even better than game six for the Lakers. I remember what You said about the whole "you have not because you ask a miss" thing that You said through James. So I am asking for a supernatural backside warming victory for the Lakers. Oh one other thing, could You keep the Kobe interview to a minimum tonight unless he glorifies You Lord? Thanks...
OK here's the score, and the last 26 seconds...
Lakers 101 - Boston 98
Final seconds:
Rondo dribbles up the floor with 26 seconds deadlocked at 96. He is met by Kobe Ego Bryant. He drives left toward the KG pick, the reverses his dribble, and drives past Kobe, and Lamar because Lamar has 5 fouls... and hits the runner with 25.1 on the clock! 98 - 96 Celts. Coach Jackson calls a 20.
Out of the time out they run a double curl decoy for Kobe and Fisher is alone in the corner! He misses, and "PAU" the put back by Gasol, and the foul! Gasol gets three the old fashioned way. 99 - 98 Lakers with 20. 7 left. Doc calls a 20.
Doc calls the play for Ray Allen. He rubs off KG for the take, Rondo reverses his dribble, find him, but Pau switches out, Kobe cheats to the rim... Pau gets a piece of it. It falls short, and Pierce is forced to foul Kobe with 6.8 on the clock! The Staples Center is rocking!!! Smiling Jack is on his feet and yelling at Rasheed Wallace like a school yard bully!
Kobe collects himself, no smiles, all ego business, and sinks the first! The crowd is bouncing! Kobe sinks the second one, and the Celtics try to rush the ball up the floor and beat the press. Pierce is well covered by Odom, they double Allen on the in bound, and it's Rondo vs. Kobe... he dribbles up nowhere to go, throws up the prayer, and hits back iron and Gasol gets the board... It's over, it's over! The Lakers have repeated, and are again Champions of the NBA!!! What a finish!
OK the prayed for score: LA 120 - Boston 77 ;)
What Time Is It?!

OK I need song titles for answers for the Lakers interview tomorrow. All genres accepted, please respond by 5PM PST, 6PM MST, 7PM CST & 8PM EST... I need more than the 3 that I have come up with so someone please help me out! :) I only have 5 minutes with them after practice, and before pre game warm up. Thanks.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My Interview With Coach Phil Jackson

I asked coach Jackson to give me his answers on what the Lakers must do to win tonights game, but to use Southern Gospel, and Bluegrass titles, so here is a blog based on what the Lakers must do to win tonight according to Phil in Bluegrass, and Southern:
Blogwizer = BW
What is the key to to Kobe's success tonight?
Phil Jackson = PJ
Rise Above (Talley Trio)
Coach Jackson, what is the most important speech given to motivate your squad in the fourth tonight?
PJ When You Say Nothing At All! (Allison Kraus)
How is Andrew Bynum, can he get up and down the floor, with the sore knee tonight?
I'll quote Andrew, "Light On My Feet, Ready To Fly!" (Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver)
Can you force a game 7 and how?
My Heart Knows (Crist Family)
Who will win game 7?
Pointing at the Lakers says: "These Are They." (Gaither Vocal Band)
What will be your your theme after game 7?
Dealing with Gold (The Mighty Inspirations)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
World Cup 2010 & NBA Game 4 Predictions
Before you watch the video, does anyone care to call the line and compare on Kobe's numbers? Cause I am dead on the money!!!
You may not agree with Maradona's lifestyle, but he was an awesome player, and seems to be a great coach! The Argentine leader, has his squad loose, and ready for action.
OK on an NBA note... I am going to call it right now! Kobe will be in that focused mode again tonight, and fired up to do something big from here on out! Here is the line:
35 points, 6 assists, 4 rebounds, 3 steals, 1 block, and 0 smiles. Lakers go up 3 - 1 in a 102 - 96 victory leaving the TD Garden sounding like it's full of crickets looking for a healing service from TD Jakes.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Put A Smile On
Monday, June 7, 2010
The World Doesn't Owe Us!
The prodigal son wanted his on the spot! Kobe Bryant evidentally wanted his on the spot! The Celtics said, "NO!" Kobe snubbed a fan in game one, but as my boss pointed out wasn't so focused at the half when the cameras showed him playing with his kids at the half. I am a family man, and believe that if anyone could lose focus it should only be to focus more on his/her family, but even family understands that there is a job to do at times. Kobe didn't give up at the end of the first half, but at the end of the game when everyone else was hustling Kobe showed a frustration that made Paul Pierce smile. Ray Allen smiled the whole game! Why because they know it's OK to have fun, and still remain focused! To win game three the Lakers will need not just a snobbish focus, but the same drive for the entire game that was displayed during the last 12 seconds of the first half of game 2! Stay focused but not to the point of not having fun, and enjoying your work! "DO WORK," and have fun! Relax, the world doesn't owe you, and know that all you owe, is all you have when you're born, and that is to love. So love thrashing the Celtics, Kobe, and lighten up! Romans 13:8
Sunday, June 6, 2010
One Down...

It looked really bad at first. Then things started to fall into place. The critics did not critique in prophetic fashion! There was one fellow that did, however, call upon a favor, and it has been less then prophetic, but oh so much fun to watch!
The mighty Giant Shaq, and his Cavalier leader, and giant in his own right, LeBron James fell to the hard nosed Boston Three Party, plus Rajo(h)n Rondo Adams, and Crispus (not Attica upstate NY or Chicago) Rivers, whom will likely be taken out of the picture in a few years minus another title in as many years. Whew catches his breath! Prayer answered in Phase I. It was very hard to pull for the Celtics!
Then there was Superman, and his Magic act. Well big time critic the same revolutionary party took out his big show too! Phase II answered prayer!
So what's next? Phase III of course. Can Kaptain Koberoo, aka Mr. Ego take on the world alone in all his greatness? He snubbed a front row man, an end of the bench big spender (Chris Rock) that helps pay his salary to focus on the game! But one thing I can tell you is that snobs live pretty sad lives. They are pretenders. The pretend to be something that only Christ could be, and that is perfect! I love Lakers basketball. I swore for the first time in front of my mother based on a bad call in a Lakers - Celtics Finals 25 years ago! I bleed purple and gold, but curse in front of my mother!? Can we find a true ambassador for the sport, and trade him for Kobe? Or is there a slight chance that Kobe will hit a low like Tiger, see himself as human, and finally grow out of I'm the most important thing in the universe? Kobe you're a Laker and I love ya, but not even Magic, or Michael snubbed their fans. Oh PS everyone is looking to be the greatest based on points and championships... well Bill Russell has hmmmm ummmm 11! He was also a player coach. So until you get 6 more Kobe, and bring that glory back to LA, you are still just another ego to the faithful! Game 2 tonight, let the balloons drop! Is a Laker sweep in with that favor Lord? Lakers in 5 with a BLOWOUT 30 point win in Boston? OK, OK, I am content with a series win, thanks.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Steady Rollin' Trekin' Right Along!

I hear Trek, and I think of two things:
1. James T. Kirk and the Starship Enterprise
2. A Wisconsin born bicycle company!
I am starting to dig the bike above. It's Trek's 1.1. It needs a bigger chain ring for my need to do 65-70mph on the downside of Chestoa, but on the other hand, I could use that smaller ring, and a granny gear for the climb back up since I am in horrendous shape! Did I mention that the Carrera Blue is an eye catcher as well, or that the entry level price is nicer than that of the Madone Series? Yes, Mr. Armstrong you can send me one if you really feel that generous, but I will not hold you to that! Plus you have already told me that I couldn't talk to you about how I'm not religious, but very spiritual. Lol. Imperfect may not be my middle name, but it is who I am until the day of perfecting. I credit my doctor's for a lot of healing, but I credit the Great Physician with blessing those gifted hands, and minds that have helped me along the way. When I felt as though I couldn't cope, He made a way, even when the doctors, lawyers, and friends had given up on me. For that I truly am thankful.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
No Magic Act Today

Lord I want to thank You for the completion of the first phase. The LGM (a.k.a, The Little Green Men) took care of stealing game one away from Merlin's boys. There was no Magic act today! I think all of the basketball faithful in Orlando were left scratching their heads today. Now Lord if You could arrange it so the Lakers could beat up on the Suns (in a basketball sense) worse than Tim Duncan's shot on Steve Nash, we'll be in business! Thanks again Lord. See you in LA tomorrow. ;)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Basketball Prayer...

It's Your imperfect child, the imperfect Christian. I am mixed on my emotions about the Celt's beating the Cav's. Help me think wisely Lord, and with no malice. You know I try to fight the urge of disliking Boston with my entire being, but it's difficult. But I would like to see the Lakers play Boston in the Finals, and beat them like a drum. Then there is a slight problem with that scenario. The Suns are playing well, but I think the Lakers have the size, and talent to deal with them. Then there is a team in Orlando that is playing awfully well too. If I could ask for one basketball favor Lord, I would ask for a meeting between Boston, and my beloved Lakers with our getting that home cooking, and we'd like to serve it up hot to the Celt's. Thank you Father...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Rockies U to You Got Rocks In Your Head NFL Draft Choices
Baby girl almost got another goal again today! Goal of the day, however, goes to young John, who kicked the ball from midfield into our empty net! Hey we'll take a goal any way you want to serve it up! (Big smile)
Brian Abshire goes #1 to the Rams! He has to be the sickest player in the draft right behind the Raiders first pick Derrick Morgan DL from GT. The Raiders really needed to draft an owner, hey does anyone have Simon Cowell's number, perhaps he could do an Owner Idol, and get us an owner!? What will the Panthers and the Pack do now? Hmmm...
The favorites have all taken care of business in the NBA, oh wait DWade just said that he was the most complete player in the NBA, and that the Celt's aren't favorites so much anymore in the East! His Heat are looking to upset the Celts in the Garden! Number 3 first blocked P Squared, then raced to the other end of the floor to receive a lead pass from his teammate, and jammed the ball home with two hands! He had a wicked, bad put back over Perkins the Celtics big man, and another block! DWade props to you sir, even if your team fell short by falling apart in the middle of the 3rd! The Jazz and Nuggets square off in 3... I am thinking Denver will roll in this series, but we shall see. OK Magic and Cav's in the East? And Nuggets and Lakers (Defending World Champs) in the West. Although, if the Hawks get mean enough, they could make things interesting after they handle the Bucks! I do not believe they have the depth or experience to get past the Cav's or Magic, but a few moves from the GM, and they could be the team of the future in the East, they have the young talent to go forward if the right people put them in position to win at a higher level. As for the West, as bad as I hate to admit it, and do not care to much for the Jazz, I have to say as long as Jerry Sloan is coaching never count out his Jazz, but over my Lakers, I just don't have the heart to say they can win the West, ever again! Lol.
Back to soccer, Man U and the Premier league did their thing today, and what am I missing? Oh yeah! Larry Dixon ran a 3.91 @ 313 for the fastest pass today to hold the #2 spot at Vegas! His teammate Del Worsham is tops through today for Funny Cars.
Tomorrow I will look for the NFL picks of the Panthers, Packers, and hope for the Lakers to show out completely against the Thunder. Now did I leave anything out? Ubaldo Jiminez just no hit the Bravo's! That a boy U!!! Man get your Tourist tickets now, you never know who will be the next big Rockies star!!! Now if I have missed anything worth mentioning sports wise you can hit me back after church, and the cookout on the mountain tomorrow. From 3PM EST to 6PM I hope to be back home and glued to the Laker game, so you can inform me if I have missed anything worthwhile after that. Good night all.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dayton defeats Carolina in NIT Tourney
UNC advances to NIT final on what? a controversial call?
OK I watched the UNC vs. URI game, and was an eye witness. So here's what I gathered from game:
First and foremost, the number one (#1), numero uno, top of da list rule in any sport is to never ever, neva, eva, eva, put the game into the hands of the ref!
One of my favorite cliches is, "If, if's and but's were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas!"
With that said let me walk you through the closing minutes of regulation, and focus on a couple of major factors.
1.) Both teams struggled with turnovers.
2.) In the Closing two minutes of the game, the University of Rhode Island missed four straight free throws! Four straight! "If" they were disciplined enough to hit from the charity stripe, things could have been different, "but" they did not!
3.) "If" I'm the URI coach and I know that UNC has scored 48 points in the paint up to this stage of the game, and both my team and theirs is shooting in the 30 percent range from the field, and the opposition is 1 of 15 from behind the arch then what do I tell my defense? I emphatically tell them to "CLOG THE LANE!!! Nothing in the paint, and contest the jumper loosely, we don't want stupid fouls, but a good hard foul in the paint rather than a layup is good. Why because neither team was shooting free throws particularly well either! So to conclude with regulation, "if" URI hits there free throws and disallows UNC to drive to the hoop, then it could be a different story. "But" they did not, and Coach Williams put his guys in position to win, and they executed the game plan to "near" perfection. The traps were beautifully executed, and they made the comeback that led to a tie, not a victory. Now for a UNC "but." "But" the game still went into OT, so it was not a completely perfect, "but" near perfectly executed game plan. I am sure Coach Williams would have liked to have taken care of the ball earlier on and would have loved to have sealed the deal in regulation himself.
And in the OT... should I even get started? Yes, I should! A jump shot, when Drew 2 had a high screen, and then a clear lane to the basket, and he pulls up for a tough jumper! Coach run that boy hard please! That horrid shot came off the rim long which resulted in a scramble for the rebound that could have been disasterous! Now on to the rules... when a player gains an advantage by placing another player at a disadvantage then a foul is committed. Will Graves chased after the long rebound, and was pushed into Ulmer the Rhode Island player. The URI player bumped Graves toward the second URI player, and caused Grave to fall. Graves fell near URI guard/forward Ulmer, but no one can say for sure that he hit Ulmer, and even if he did it was like he was blocked into the kicker. Different sport sure, but same principal, he was placed at a disadvantage before Ulmer tripped, and Graves was clearly pushed...
No matter how you look at it, it was an exciting game and one that the refs let them play for. Carolina Victory.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
News Carolina...

The Good... UNC put together back-to-back wins over Wake Forest, and Miami.
The Bad... A Greivis Train ran over Duke! Laughs way out loud! Fear the TURTLE!!!
The Ugly...,225528
The Oh My Lord!...
If he had gone to the Cowboys or Broncos, I would have just stopped watching football altogether! Couldn't they have at least kissed us and make the deal just by picking up Del GoHome? Ok I will behave, or at least try to for now!
If Duke wins I will take it like a man, if they lose, you had better not look at my updates if you are a Duke fan!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tiger... Who Cares? Part (Who cares?)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and most will state it regardless, so here's mine too. Tiger's mistake would not even be a private matter for someone that had a boring private life. It would be semi private for the Average Joe, but not completely. You know the whispering, the looks, the made up stories, the whole nine would still apply even for simple Average Joe. If you live in Smalltown USA, you know that the news travels fast, good news travels faster, and bad news travels fastest. In the urban areas, and metropolitan areas the bigger you are the faster your news travels.
Jason Whitlock "love him, or hate him," said that he wished that Tiger would retire like some other greats in their prime, in their respected sports. He gave Jim Brown as an example. Whitlock said that there was nothing wrong retiring while you're on top. He also said that Tiger may not have Nicklaus' record, or overcome his accomplishments, but he (Tiger) was the greatest (in Mr. Whitlock's opinion) golfer to ever play the game. Whitlock says that if Tiger retires now, that within three years Tiger could go back to a normal life, and be forgotten about as the cheating golfer.
He could Mr. Whitlock, that is, until another athlete gets caught, then he and Kobe are right back in the cheaters spot light. That's a part of being on the BIG Stage. If you want the BIG $, then you have to perform on the Big Stage, in front of the BIG Crowd, which is for the PGA and Golf most of the free world. So unfortunately, like it or not, Tiger's business is golfs business. Great thing about it for Tiger is that even with his mistake and getting caught, he's not on trial to be impeached (like President Clinton was), he's not being forced out of a company, although, he could lose sponsors, but he still has his job. I am not saying that he should treat this lightly, or that his fans, or the golf world should. I am saying that I am praying that he's earnest in making things right for what's most important. Family.
To conclude I will end with the Tiger cares statement that Robert Lusetich mentioned... Mr. Lusetich grabbed my complete attention with answering his own question in a very powerful way. He asked the question who cares!? Then answered it with: "Tiger." Tiger cares, or he wouldn't bother with coming out Friday! Els said his timing was bad, and called Tiger selfish. Lusetich on the other hand made mention of Vijay Singh, and said that Tiger would act in a Vijah like fashion if he didn't care. According to Robert Lusetich, Vijah drove to the course one tournament, won the tournament, collected his things, grabbed his earnings check, ready to cash it, threw them all in the trunk, slammed the trunk lid, and said something to the affect of kissing a black body part that he sits on, then jumped inside and sped away.
Isn't it sad that we have to take the good with the bad. To some it's disgusting, and to others it's sad. To others it oddly enough it's (the bad) a turn on. OK I am really shutting up after this... I watched the Amelia Earhart story with my family the other night, and before the movie I felt that she was an extraordinary woman, and that she did some truly amazing things. She was the pioneer that paved the way for women in aviation, and did great things for women outside of aviation. She inspired not only women, but our nation, and the world! I watched the movie, good and bad, and all, and still find her story extraordinary. Wow! what a woman!!! It hurt me to watch, because I knew her fate, but didn't know the whole story. She met the President (FDR), and First Lady (Eleanor Roosevelt), and took them on a night flight, and let the first lady fly. A first lady that would have never accomplished that dream without Amelia. She amazed everyone with her Atlantic crossings, and was attempting to be the first female to pilot a plane around the globe, and oh yeah then there was her affair. I am certain that if she could rewrite her story, she would from heaven change the fact that her self discipline slipped, and she allowed her heart to be torn in such a way. She reconciled with her husband, and lived and loved him until the die she disappeared in the Pacific.
I pray that Tiger and Elin can. I am not a golf fan, or for that matter a Tiger fan, just a compassionate fellow that has made mistakes in my life as well. I wish that the Woods could find peace, and privacy, but I can assure everyone that will not happen in this lifetime. If seventy plus years hasn't forgotten her alleged affair, then do we really think three years after retirement that Tigers admitted affair will die out? Come on now!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Racing For What?

Hats off to Jamie McMurray on his first Daytona win. I can't speak of the sponsor in the lesser NASCAR race because, well just because, but I am wondering what would have taken place if Danica would have placed high, or better yet, what would have taken place if she had won? I can tell you now that it would have been tough to have taken the spot light away from her even on Sunday! Wait isn't that Sarah Palin? Spotlight adjustment please...
Sarah Palin was at Daytona for an entirely different race, perusing through the crowd on the infield taking pictures, shaking hands, and hugging everyone old enough to vote, and some of those that were not old enough to vote, but only if they were connected with someone old enough to vote. What could possibly be a worse for the winner of the race than to have the spotlight on someone else before the race had even begun? For Jamie McMurray the answer would be - looking up at the end of the race, and seeing Dale Jr. in your rearview mirror, and going through the anxiety of wondering whether or not he was going to put you into the wall! On the other hand at least it wasn't Keselowski, or Stewart. With one of them in the rearview it could have easily turned into a trip to the tracks medical facility.

Well looks like papa got this one! He won for the first time since the 2008 Topeka race, and capped of the first race victory over Ron Capps. 60 years young and busted him out of the gate. Oh big ups to my old North Hollywood neighbor Larry Dixon for winning the Top Fuel event.

OK here's the backatcha for the ladies. Johnny "On The Spot" Spillane takes home a Silver Medal for the US in the Nordic Combined for the first ever medal since the 1924 Inagural Winter Games took place. Good looking out Johnny.

We still haven't forgotten about the possibility of Lindsey Vonn not being able to compete, however, Johnny's Silver helps ease the pain of the possibility in not having Lindsey available to medal for the US.
Oh yeah, with all of the hype, and everything I almost forgot to mention that it is also NBA All-Star Weekend too! There are lady officials in the NBA now, but I do not know whether there is a lady calling the All-Star game. If there was, I would be happy for her too. I am just sad for the non-Philly fans that they are having to deal with Allen Iverson for one more All-Star appearence...
Well to the ladies in sports, and everywhere else, here's to you:
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Show Must Go On

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Hyundai's Superbowl Ad features Brett Favre still playing at 50 years old - Top Speed
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Who Needs Calgary?!!!
The Winter Olympics are coming up, so we thought we would kick them off in grand style. Welcome to the Hood, meets Country. Skateboards with no trucks, and a couple of airlight sleds, on a 100 ft. drive with a pretty mean drop. Let the fun begin!!!
Tomorrow is the Super Bowl, but we will be celebrating the last few hours of the Slush Bowl first.
So whose your pick for the big Sunday Game, and the Winter Games. I am not certain who will win Gold, but go USA!!!! As for the Super Bowl I am hoping to see 44 (XLIV) turn out just as competitive as 34 (XXXIV). Stretch... and OH MY... that makes or breaks the game... I wish all the fans, and both franchises the very best, but even with injury, or reports of injury, I am taking the Colts over the Saints, by 14. Final 44-30 Ponies.
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Critical Bowl...

Even the ladies appreciate Tebow! And not just Gator fans, but fans of life, and fans of humanitarianism. He has a bad game in the SEC Championship. He had a bad outing at the Senior Bowl, and still people say that this hurt his stock in the NFL Draft. Name one QB that had stellar performances, in either of the last two games that I just mentioned, and has done anything productive in the NFL. Peyton Manning maybe? Nope no championships for Mr. Manning, but he and Timmy Te do have one thing in common, and that's heart! Manning stayed his Senior year when he could have left early, and made his money a year early. He and Tebow are motivators. Tebow doesn't have to throw a touchdown on every third completion, he only needs to keep that big body strong and healthy, and his mind even healthier. He may not be Peyton, he's much more mobile, and he is a winner, and a leader, so time will tell. I wish him well in his endeavor as a player, and even more as a Christian. He is a winner on the playing field of LIFE.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Mock Poll, and Duke flushed again!
OK this is really a hahaha don't get too excited just yet blog for the "obnoxious" Duke fans. It should prove to be a very interesting ACC Tournament this year. Georgia Tech and Maryland look to be very competitive early on but there is definitely no given this year. I will still have to look at Boeheim's guys as being a strong favorite to take the NCAA Title. They have the athleticism, the discipline, and the coach to see them to yet another title game. Kentucky is athletic, but young. Kansas and Texas are tough as well, but I think the guys at Syracuse just have that we can beat anyone at any given time attitude that will make them tough to beat come tourney time. And as for the haters, UNC is down, but I certainly wouldn't count them out. Big wins over NC State, and Virginia could be the confidence boosters they need to get them back into the swing of things. They will have to play tough against a fiesty Virginia team, however, to beat them soundly even in Chapel Thrill. They were on fire with the win over Michigan State earlier this season, but just didn't have the other smooth stones to take care of Goliath's brothers (Syracuse, Texas, and others).
1. Syracuse 19-1
2. Kentucky 19 - 1
3. Kansas 20 -1
4. Nova 19-1
5. Texas 17-2
6. Michigan St. 17-2
7. Georgetown 16-3
8. WVA 15-3
9. Purdue 16-3
10. UT (Vols) 15-3
11. Kansas St 16-4
12.Temple 17-3
13. Pitt 15-4
14. New Mexico 18-3
15. UW Badgers 16-4
16. Ole Miss 15-4
17. Ga Tech 14-5
18. Duke 16-5
19. Gonzaga 16-3
20. Ohio St 14-6
21. Vandy 15-3
22. BYU 20-1
23. Maryland 14-5
24. UAB 17-2
25. UNC 13-7
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tebow & Arrows

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
This Blogs for you!
First off for this week, attention ACC fans, and schools with an interest in college hoops... GA Tech is for real!!! College hoops, "The 'Cuse" and Coach Boeheim are for real!!!
Tarheel faithful do not give up just yet, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it's the light that you make! There is a blessing in the storm, and now all they have to do is show up healthy and invigorated for the ACC match ups, it will get better. Coach Williams is not a quitter and will not settle for mediocrity. It will get better!!! Starting tonight it will get better because they're going to slaughter the Wolfpack.

I see a man that is 40 years of age that is not as mobile, and stands the chance of getting hurt with one more season. However, to this point, he has not suffered from numerous concussions, and has been as tough as nails throughout his career. So anything goes. Should he stay? Only Brett, and God know how his body aches at the end of the day, and only he and God know how much more of the punishment he can stand. I will say this however, if he's gonna play, let him play like the big boys play. The hit that Anthony Hargrove put on Favre on the 3rd and 4 call was in one word, bogus! It was just wrong! He was within the one step boundary, and actually hit him at realease, which is perfect timing. the momentum was just, and so was that sick wicked hit. He didn't hit Favre in anyway, shape, form, or fashion that I could see as illegal. If Favre is going to play next year, he is going to have to play like the young bucks, and everyone else, and weather the storm. On that note, dear Mr. Referee no favortism please, Mr. Favre needs to take his shots, and lick his wounds like the big dawgs. I hope that Brett does play one more season, and I hope that he does well, but I also hope that he sees that even Jordan was a step off from his Air days, and had to step down.
My prediction... he will be back for one final hooray, and get injured in his last season, see how human he and everyone else really is, and bow out gracefully. But not before he does some big things to help Minnesota move in the right direction.