Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger... Who Cares? Part (Who cares?)

Fox Analyst Robert Lusetich asked a simple question about Tiger Woods coming forward on Friday, February 19, 2010 after hiding his secrets, and hiding out since November. Mr. Lusetich's question, "Who cares?" Robert Lusetich's answer, "Tiger does."

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and most will state it regardless, so here's mine too. Tiger's mistake would not even be a private matter for someone that had a boring private life. It would be semi private for the Average Joe, but not completely. You know the whispering, the looks, the made up stories, the whole nine would still apply even for simple Average Joe. If you live in Smalltown USA, you know that the news travels fast, good news travels faster, and bad news travels fastest. In the urban areas, and metropolitan areas the bigger you are the faster your news travels.

Jason Whitlock "love him, or hate him," said that he wished that Tiger would retire like some other greats in their prime, in their respected sports. He gave Jim Brown as an example. Whitlock said that there was nothing wrong retiring while you're on top. He also said that Tiger may not have Nicklaus' record, or overcome his accomplishments, but he (Tiger) was the greatest (in Mr. Whitlock's opinion) golfer to ever play the game. Whitlock says that if Tiger retires now, that within three years Tiger could go back to a normal life, and be forgotten about as the cheating golfer.

He could Mr. Whitlock, that is, until another athlete gets caught, then he and Kobe are right back in the cheaters spot light. That's a part of being on the BIG Stage. If you want the BIG $, then you have to perform on the Big Stage, in front of the BIG Crowd, which is for the PGA and Golf most of the free world. So unfortunately, like it or not, Tiger's business is golfs business. Great thing about it for Tiger is that even with his mistake and getting caught, he's not on trial to be impeached (like President Clinton was), he's not being forced out of a company, although, he could lose sponsors, but he still has his job. I am not saying that he should treat this lightly, or that his fans, or the golf world should. I am saying that I am praying that he's earnest in making things right for what's most important. Family.

To conclude I will end with the Tiger cares statement that Robert Lusetich mentioned... Mr. Lusetich grabbed my complete attention with answering his own question in a very powerful way. He asked the question who cares!? Then answered it with: "Tiger." Tiger cares, or he wouldn't bother with coming out Friday! Els said his timing was bad, and called Tiger selfish. Lusetich on the other hand made mention of Vijay Singh, and said that Tiger would act in a Vijah like fashion if he didn't care. According to Robert Lusetich, Vijah drove to the course one tournament, won the tournament, collected his things, grabbed his earnings check, ready to cash it, threw them all in the trunk, slammed the trunk lid, and said something to the affect of kissing a black body part that he sits on, then jumped inside and sped away.

Isn't it sad that we have to take the good with the bad. To some it's disgusting, and to others it's sad. To others it oddly enough it's (the bad) a turn on. OK I am really shutting up after this... I watched the Amelia Earhart story with my family the other night, and before the movie I felt that she was an extraordinary woman, and that she did some truly amazing things. She was the pioneer that paved the way for women in aviation, and did great things for women outside of aviation. She inspired not only women, but our nation, and the world! I watched the movie, good and bad, and all, and still find her story extraordinary. Wow! what a woman!!! It hurt me to watch, because I knew her fate, but didn't know the whole story. She met the President (FDR), and First Lady (Eleanor Roosevelt), and took them on a night flight, and let the first lady fly. A first lady that would have never accomplished that dream without Amelia. She amazed everyone with her Atlantic crossings, and was attempting to be the first female to pilot a plane around the globe, and oh yeah then there was her affair. I am certain that if she could rewrite her story, she would from heaven change the fact that her self discipline slipped, and she allowed her heart to be torn in such a way. She reconciled with her husband, and lived and loved him until the die she disappeared in the Pacific.

I pray that Tiger and Elin can. I am not a golf fan, or for that matter a Tiger fan, just a compassionate fellow that has made mistakes in my life as well. I wish that the Woods could find peace, and privacy, but I can assure everyone that will not happen in this lifetime. If seventy plus years hasn't forgotten her alleged affair, then do we really think three years after retirement that Tigers admitted affair will die out? Come on now!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Racing For What?

NASCAR kicks off 2010 with a bang! Potholes and Pieholes; could we keep them both sealed just long enough to enjoy a race? Distractions and attractions, man what a weekend in Florida!

Hats off to Jamie McMurray on his first Daytona win. I can't speak of the sponsor in the lesser NASCAR race because, well just because, but I am wondering what would have taken place if Danica would have placed high, or better yet, what would have taken place if she had won? I can tell you now that it would have been tough to have taken the spot light away from her even on Sunday! Wait isn't that Sarah Palin? Spotlight adjustment please...

Sarah Palin was at Daytona for an entirely different race, perusing through the crowd on the infield taking pictures, shaking hands, and hugging everyone old enough to vote, and some of those that were not old enough to vote, but only if they were connected with someone old enough to vote. What could possibly be a worse for the winner of the race than to have the spotlight on someone else before the race had even begun? For Jamie McMurray the answer would be - looking up at the end of the race, and seeing Dale Jr. in your rearview mirror, and going through the anxiety of wondering whether or not he was going to put you into the wall! On the other hand at least it wasn't Keselowski, or Stewart. With one of them in the rearview it could have easily turned into a trip to the tracks medical facility.

Then there's Ashley Force Hood! Yes the ladies have the racing spotlight on the track and off, and I am not mad at'em! Ashley, and her father John Force are the first daughter and father team to reach an NHRA Final. The 14 time Champion as a driver and 16 time Champion as an owner couldn't have been more proud and honored to lose to his little girl in that Final. I know I would have been too happy! Now if we can just get her out of that Mustang and away from the darkside, and doing the right thing and using the "Force" for good and not evil...

Well looks like papa got this one! He won for the first time since the 2008 Topeka race, and capped of the first race victory over Ron Capps. 60 years young and busted him out of the gate. Oh big ups to my old North Hollywood neighbor Larry Dixon for winning the Top Fuel event.

OK here's the backatcha for the ladies. Johnny "On The Spot" Spillane takes home a Silver Medal for the US in the Nordic Combined for the first ever medal since the 1924 Inagural Winter Games took place. Good looking out Johnny.

We still haven't forgotten about the possibility of Lindsey Vonn not being able to compete, however, Johnny's Silver helps ease the pain of the possibility in not having Lindsey available to medal for the US.

Oh yeah, with all of the hype, and everything I almost forgot to mention that it is also NBA All-Star Weekend too! There are lady officials in the NBA now, but I do not know whether there is a lady calling the All-Star game. If there was, I would be happy for her too. I am just sad for the non-Philly fans that they are having to deal with Allen Iverson for one more All-Star appearence...

Well to the ladies in sports, and everywhere else, here's to you:

Happy Valentines Day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Show Must Go On

Well it is the start of the Winter Olympics and everyone was geared up to pull for their fellow countrymen. Geared up to have a joyous day and celebrate the challenge of watching each country go at it! I remember how excited I used to get about the Olympics as a kid. I grew up in a home that taught me to take great joy and pride in being an American. I went to school in a community that taught us to take great pride in being an American. I didn't see a White face on the Wheaties Box with the Summer or Winter Olympics, when Bruce Jenner and Dorothy Hamill graced the box front. I saw the Red, White, and Blue Team Uniforms, and Old Glory draped over there shoulders. I saw the medals around their necks and thought about how cool it would be to be a world class athlete. But even then it was bigger than sport, it was bigger than a gold medal. It was being about something bigger than self even. It was about loving others! Loving others is what has made this country great. An entire nation cheering on athletes that represented this great nation. Love for your country!

I used to think about how tough it was for the family members go to the airport and see their loved ones off. I remember how difficult it was for me with each trip to the airport. I would kiss my grandparents good-bye one way, and my mother going the other way, and get on that plane each summer and fall, and fly across the country, and let me tell you for a little fellow that was tough. It's hard to say good-bye to the people you love. No matter how old you are, it's tough. I have always been horrible with good-bye.

Today our community said good-bye to a dear friend. This word (good-bye) was formed in the sixteenth century by shortening the phrase, "God be with you." I think "Lehitra'ot" (See you later) is more appropriate for this occasion, and that we should say God be with you to the grieving family members. Today services for a family man, and community leader, Bill Burleson were held. It was the second time in almost as many weeks that I have gone to visit with a friend to pay my respects in this little community at the same Baptist Church. In both services the pastor of the church (another friend) said that both saints had pretty much preached their own Homegoing Services. With the tragedy that took place in the Olympics today, I pray that Nodar Kumaritashvili the 21 year old Georgian Luger did the same. The Olympics will not be the same this year, and neither will our community. Unfortunately, just like the Olympics our community and Mr. Burleson's family will have to continue on as well. I pray that other families will see the love from this family, and take heed. When asked what amazes me most about life, I would have to say along the same lines, the same thing that Dr. Billy Graham said. Dr, Graham when asked what amazed him most about life said, "The brevity of it." I have known the Burleson's for years, and every family member always looks well, and appears to be in the best of shape. Mr. Roger Burleson said that he his brother Bill were only fourteen months apart, and to him they felt like twins. You know twins have a unique bond. I will especially pray for a brother missing his brother tonight. They are a great looking family, and have hearts to compliment the good looks.

It is a joy to see families bond, but it is as equally sad to see loved ones hurt. The one comfort we hold on to, is knowing that as a family of believers this is not the end. I wish I had something clever to say, something humorous, but in this case I can only say again "See you later friend." We owe it to each other to get past religious differences, political differences, racial differences, and find common ground. We are humans and were created to love one another. If one believes in a higher power, or just in oneself, one has to come to terms with understanding that they are not the only person on the planet. Love one another so that you do not miss the opportunity to love, and to be loved. From the look of the parking lot of the small town Baptist church, Mr. Burleson was well loved and highly respected. Fred, Beth, Mrs. Burleson, and family thank you for returning the love today, in such a difficult time. God bless you all.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Who Needs Calgary?!!!

The Winter Olympics are coming up, so we thought we would kick them off in grand style. Welcome to the Hood, meets Country. Skateboards with no trucks, and a couple of airlight sleds, on a 100 ft. drive with a pretty mean drop. Let the fun begin!!!

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl, but we will be celebrating the last few hours of the Slush Bowl first.

So whose your pick for the big Sunday Game, and the Winter Games. I am not certain who will win Gold, but go USA!!!! As for the Super Bowl I am hoping to see 44 (XLIV) turn out just as competitive as 34 (XXXIV). Stretch... and OH MY... that makes or breaks the game... I wish all the fans, and both franchises the very best, but even with injury, or reports of injury, I am taking the Colts over the Saints, by 14. Final 44-30 Ponies.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Critical Bowl...

Even the ladies appreciate Tebow! And not just Gator fans, but fans of life, and fans of humanitarianism. He has a bad game in the SEC Championship. He had a bad outing at the Senior Bowl, and still people say that this hurt his stock in the NFL Draft. Name one QB that had stellar performances, in either of the last two games that I just mentioned, and has done anything productive in the NFL. Peyton Manning maybe? Nope no championships for Mr. Manning, but he and Timmy Te do have one thing in common, and that's heart! Manning stayed his Senior year when he could have left early, and made his money a year early. He and Tebow are motivators. Tebow doesn't have to throw a touchdown on every third completion, he only needs to keep that big body strong and healthy, and his mind even healthier. He may not be Peyton, he's much more mobile, and he is a winner, and a leader, so time will tell. I wish him well in his endeavor as a player, and even more as a Christian. He is a winner on the playing field of LIFE.