Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and most will state it regardless, so here's mine too. Tiger's mistake would not even be a private matter for someone that had a boring private life. It would be semi private for the Average Joe, but not completely. You know the whispering, the looks, the made up stories, the whole nine would still apply even for simple Average Joe. If you live in Smalltown USA, you know that the news travels fast, good news travels faster, and bad news travels fastest. In the urban areas, and metropolitan areas the bigger you are the faster your news travels.
Jason Whitlock "love him, or hate him," said that he wished that Tiger would retire like some other greats in their prime, in their respected sports. He gave Jim Brown as an example. Whitlock said that there was nothing wrong retiring while you're on top. He also said that Tiger may not have Nicklaus' record, or overcome his accomplishments, but he (Tiger) was the greatest (in Mr. Whitlock's opinion) golfer to ever play the game. Whitlock says that if Tiger retires now, that within three years Tiger could go back to a normal life, and be forgotten about as the cheating golfer. http://msn.foxsports.com/golf/story/Whitlock-tiger-needs-to-just-walk-away-21810
He could Mr. Whitlock, that is, until another athlete gets caught, then he and Kobe are right back in the cheaters spot light. That's a part of being on the BIG Stage. If you want the BIG $, then you have to perform on the Big Stage, in front of the BIG Crowd, which is for the PGA and Golf most of the free world. So unfortunately, like it or not, Tiger's business is golfs business. Great thing about it for Tiger is that even with his mistake and getting caught, he's not on trial to be impeached (like President Clinton was), he's not being forced out of a company, although, he could lose sponsors, but he still has his job. I am not saying that he should treat this lightly, or that his fans, or the golf world should. I am saying that I am praying that he's earnest in making things right for what's most important. Family.
To conclude I will end with the Tiger cares statement that Robert Lusetich mentioned... Mr. Lusetich grabbed my complete attention with answering his own question in a very powerful way. He asked the question who cares!? Then answered it with: "Tiger." Tiger cares, or he wouldn't bother with coming out Friday! Els said his timing was bad, and called Tiger selfish. Lusetich on the other hand made mention of Vijay Singh, and said that Tiger would act in a Vijah like fashion if he didn't care. According to Robert Lusetich, Vijah drove to the course one tournament, won the tournament, collected his things, grabbed his earnings check, ready to cash it, threw them all in the trunk, slammed the trunk lid, and said something to the affect of kissing a black body part that he sits on, then jumped inside and sped away.
Isn't it sad that we have to take the good with the bad. To some it's disgusting, and to others it's sad. To others it oddly enough it's (the bad) a turn on. OK I am really shutting up after this... I watched the Amelia Earhart story with my family the other night, and before the movie I felt that she was an extraordinary woman, and that she did some truly amazing things. She was the pioneer that paved the way for women in aviation, and did great things for women outside of aviation. She inspired not only women, but our nation, and the world! I watched the movie, good and bad, and all, and still find her story extraordinary. Wow! what a woman!!! It hurt me to watch, because I knew her fate, but didn't know the whole story. She met the President (FDR), and First Lady (Eleanor Roosevelt), and took them on a night flight, and let the first lady fly. A first lady that would have never accomplished that dream without Amelia. She amazed everyone with her Atlantic crossings, and was attempting to be the first female to pilot a plane around the globe, and oh yeah then there was her affair. I am certain that if she could rewrite her story, she would from heaven change the fact that her self discipline slipped, and she allowed her heart to be torn in such a way. She reconciled with her husband, and lived and loved him until the die she disappeared in the Pacific.
I pray that Tiger and Elin can. I am not a golf fan, or for that matter a Tiger fan, just a compassionate fellow that has made mistakes in my life as well. I wish that the Woods could find peace, and privacy, but I can assure everyone that will not happen in this lifetime. If seventy plus years hasn't forgotten her alleged affair, then do we really think three years after retirement that Tigers admitted affair will die out? Come on now!