October 15th was a weekend that was difficult to get through. Our student body was hurting because of the fatal car accident. The staff was in shock, I am certain, as well as the community of parents. Sporting events were rescheduled, and the school was used for a sanctuary for many. We will miss our two friends, and continue to pray for their families.
The score on the board in the picture above was taken from a distance but reflects a score that was created by a group of resilient young men. This group of young mean was our soccer team. The soccer team played a top ranked conference rival last week and our team was a team with a lot of weighted hearts. Tuesdays game was not a very pleasant outing. The game was played early so our students could return home to our school on time for the first Memorial Service. It was a very tough day indeed.
The next conference game was delayed as well and it was played on Thursday night of last week after the second memorial service. It was titled a Celebration of Life Service for the second student. Our guys came out flat and appeared to have very little energy. My wife at the start of the game recognized that the flag was still at full staff, and said that I should go lower it to half mast. I got permission to enter the field at half time from our coach and did just that. I was also granted one last pep talk with our seniors. I reminded them of the story I had told them a few years back about a 10 year old little boy. My grandmother frequently uses "The Little Boy" to drive her point home. On Thursday night so did I. The little boy was 10, was living in the mean city streets of Los Angeles, and was approached by a group of teen agers ranging from 13-15. One of the 13 year olds decided to make an attempt to bully the 10 year old. The 13 year old learned that day to never underestimate an opponent as he was downed by the younger smaller boy. You see this 10 year old kid felt like David. He didn't feel that he could be defeated. David in faith knew that God had prepared his way. This little boy had a strong confidence like David that he could not lose, and he didn't! Our team persevered and came back from an 0-2 first half deficit to settle the score with a heavy conference rival and defeated them 3-2. Of course everyone at the game that night from our county swore that our county, and the neighboring county where our rival was from knew that we had won instantaneously, or so I am told, because of my big mouth! Good for them and everyone else I guess. (Huge smile...)
We played our next game on the road, the first of our last two, against another well rounded conference rival. They were skilled, and physical, but once again and in even finer fashion, we were that 10 year old boy that had a huge heart with great confidence and the 2-0 score reflects just that! The picture above is from my phone, and is a bit blurry, but it says: Home 0 - Vistors 2! I am proud of our guys, and wished the fairy tale ending would have seen us take the final game as well, but we fell short to a very well coached and skilled team. Our guys left it all on the field last night, and knowing that I cannot speak for everyone, but feel they would agree that I, nor could any other parent have asked for more! I am proud of our team, there accomplishments, and pray that the spirit of David a ruddy little boy, and that 10 year old stay with our guys for all of their lives!!! Much respect as they say in Jamaica, and much love...
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