I have always loved hearing Capt. Harris from the Police Academy movies say with a gradual growl as he completed this sentence, "If you're gonna be a bear, be a GRIZZLY!!!" So, I decided to be a grizzly, although, I would be more of a Brown Bear in reality I guess? But in the wheel and deal game, I am looking to go a step further. I had originally looked at saving and purchasing an aluminum framed Trek bicycle. Aluminum isn't bad, but why not be patient, and go for carbon fiber? Sure it's twice the cost, but twice the fun when you carve up those mountain roads! I currently have enough saved to buy my pedals. Then I thought, so goes life... Why not be that grizzly in all walks of life. Some folks buy their kids cars for graduation presents. That works for some, and others... well not so good. My cousin got a hand me down car, and then a new sports car when he was in school. He was grateful, and he took great care of those cars. Hard work pays off. He got a passed down car to start with, and took great care of that car. But his parents were patient enough to reward him, and not spoil him. Now his hard work has paid off even more. Note to self... you have a daughter, and son's that could, and for the most part do, do well enough to continue their education so be patient and reward them, and remember hard work pays off! Don't raise a prodigal, and you wont have to worry about the if, or when he/she comes back home day... just sayin'.
For your health, pedal money can be an investment, but are you matching school money to pedal money, or exceeding it? Ah ha! AH HA! says the wise old Jewish man in his raspy voice sitting in the barber shop, "What do you know from funny anyway, you..." he says! But humorous or not, he knows what makes him smile, and what has for generations. Have you invested the time, or the funds, and effort to make you smile for a lifetime? If not no better time than now to start, and yes imperfect Christian, and writer of this blog I am talking to you! :) Oh and remember at least the prodigal son did return home!
Peace, Blessings, and Joy in Christ... that real PB&and Joy