What do Assad, Putin, and Sarin have in common? They're all full of hot stinky, cut straight from the turd air, or in plain simple terms, "gassy."
I was recently invited to Russia because Dennis Rodman was in Korea, and Russia requested that President Obama send someone entertaining, but not repulsive, so they got Sivart Pooknyw. I think my Russian friends thought that I was actually a Brown Russian with a name like Pooknyw. Little did they know it was Aquafina in that Smirnoff bottle, not raw fermented taters! No worries either way, this brother laughed with the best of them. Mr. Putin liked me well enough that he hung a picture of me in the CR. No! Not their conference room, but the newly named "Sivart Pooknyw Comedy Room."
Vladimir Putin says that America should not call itself "exceptional," and that our economy, and politics are in shambles and on a downward spiral. I should've reminded ol' Vlad, that we still have Cadillac, THE Corvette, Harley Davidson, and apple pie. America still has relations with Europe and Asia that allow us to import, Lexus, Benz, and Ferrari, and a host of other countries and businesses as far as trade relations are concerned. While Russia's luxury vehicles are still tanks. Plus whether anyone else wants to give us credit or not (and we are a bit spoiled in America now), but we are still land of the free, and home of the brave, because we have the biggest hearted people on the planet.
I am biased and I am not as well traveled as some, but I just don't see too many places being anymore beautiful than the country that I live in. I am not eager to leave regardless of circumstance. I also not eager to send our troops to war. I am going to post some links from LA Times columnists that share their opinions on war, and what would be at risk in Syria.
One reply to a column says: So if we have a rifle and we're sitting on a hill, and witness a guy killing kids at the park, do we just sit there? Or do we call 9-11 and wait?
I would want to make sure it wasn't the filming of a movie before I took my rifle to a park and drilled somebody! I'd want my facts straight, and I'd want to make certain that there was no way that I would harm anyone else in my act of shooting. I hear what he was saying. I don't believe that children should be a part of warfare at all, and to see those children suffering from gas poisoning is horrible. However, how much more horrible is it, for us to get involved and hurt innocent people ourselves just because someone had a suspicion, or because we were misled (reference the war in Iraq), again? I'm in favor of us allowing these terrorist to play like rival gangs, and let them battle to the death, and eliminate one another, so long as they do not involve the children. Win-win for Israel, the US, and the rest of the free world. Putin can sit proud and say that he saved the world, and Assad can say, thank you Jesus, I will not be the next Iraqi dictator dead, Damsad Insane. Peace, and happy reading.