Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Just Happened!?

What happens when you take a group of guys that can bang in the paint, but do not play the transition game as well? You go to the low block right? Well what happens when the opposition collapses into the paint and forces the tough shots inside? You kick it outside right? What happens if the back court doesn't knock down the open J? Then you put in the slashers, and let them penetrate right? What if none of that works either? Wait, let's also throw in the biggest, "What Happens... What happens if you play poor perimeter defense, and the other team shoots lights out! Then you go home defeated! Phil thanks for the excitement in Tinseltown. It was a great run. Kobe, I hope you retire a Laker and your attitude changes for the better, as you look for positive ways to motivate your teammates, but just know that I am not holding my breath, for that, or for Koach K, to coach my beloved Lakers. I have heard that Byron Scott was content with where he is, but would consider being back in LA again, this time as head coach, and that would be a beautiful thing! So Mitch, what say you? You got another, "What Just Happened" in you for the NBA community? I hope so! Mitch "I Make It Happen" Kupchak, do it to it Mr. GM!

It would not bother me a bit to see the next generation in a tough, high flying, up and down, shoot two hundred and twenty shots between the two teams, at a very high percentage, fire fest! Bring on the Bulls and Grizzlies! Then let all the front runners ask, "What just happened!" I am not a fan J. Noah, but I would take them in 7 against the Grizzlies, although, I would be pulling for the Grizzlies, if I had to choose a team. Jerry West has them where they are today, like it, or believe it or not... Happy Mother's Day Hoop fans of the motherhood sorority!

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