Let's start out with bodies...
It was a typical cool, fall, Smokey Mountain morning. On the agenda: drop off baby girl at school, get the upcoming future Federal Agent to the Body Farm Lab, and then get a ride in before time to pick the ladies up.
The fog rose over the mountains just like smoke (henceforth the name Smokey), and set the scene (see third and final picture above) and mood for our trip. Baby girl insisted on walking herself to class as a watchful, proud papa, and protective big brother eyed her trek down the walk, and into the school building. We then drove out of the school lot, and hit the highway after being satisfied with her safe arrival to class. We drove out to the top of the mountain and took a few snap shots of the islands in the clouds. The peaks peeking through the puffy sky pillows can pique your imagination.
We drove from 3,000 feet of elevation to approximately 1,000 feet of elevation, and were at that point, driving underneath the low clouds and in the fog. Our mountain is one of the most beautiful vistas in the world to me. When I am not too shy to be biased I say emphatically, that it "is the most" gorgeous view in the world! Top top o' tha mornin' to ya, from top o' tha world!
We arrived on the campus of Western Carolina University, and asked a campus policeman to help us find our contact. We gave him the doctors name, and told the officer that we had a meeting with the doctor for my son's schooling, that pertained to information concerning the "Body Farm." He said he would take us there, and we could follow behind his car. Sweet a police escort and we weren't even in trouble! The officer led us back to the entrance, and began to lead us as if he were going to take us off campus. I jumped out of the car (stopped and in park of course) at the now red traffic light, and ran up to his car. I explained that the good doctor was also a professor, and gave him the name of the hall in which the doctor had instructed us to go to. The officer then told us to follow him again, and he would take us there, but we were on our own with parking. Perfect weather and perfect timing (thank you Lord), we found a spot first thing.
We made it in and went down to the lab. Skeletal remains have never really bothered me. What hurts me is holding someone when they are dying, and you can feel the warmth leave their body. Especially if it's a loved one, someone in your family, or that has become like family. I have felt that more than once, and the first time was one time too many in my life time. I hope that I do not have to do it again ever, unless there is no way around it, and it is to comfort someone that has to have "ME" be the one to be there. It just hurts so bad to go through that with someone.
This old body is ready for rest. The ride up the mountain was great today! I rode with my middle son, and we had a blast. The mountain is a steady climb, but we gain over 1,400 feet of elevation. It's not straight up and down, but will make you work nonetheless. So now that the darkness has fallen over this body of land, it is time to make a few calls, to let folks know we love them, and check up on world events, sports, weather, and tomorrows agenda.
The Governing Body in many sports organizations can't seem to work well with the bodies they are supposed to be governing! The majors have finally gone beyond the "Juiced" days of baseball, or so we hope. At least for now, all is good in baseball. The Yankees lost, the Brew Crew won, no one has been accused of throwing a spit ball, or taking any shots that are disallowed, so all is well. Brewers - Cards! STL shutout, and shutdown the Phils! "Mel Allen this is for you sir, "How about that!" Brewers - Cards in the NLDS, and the Motor City Kitty (Tigers) - Rangers in the ALCS... baseball is sweet this year, welcome back, and thanks for making it entertaining!
The NBA however, is making me think about boycotting for a couple of seasons! I didn't watch baseball or cycling for a good number of years because of strikes, and dopes, I mean doping. Now the NBA can't come to terms! The legalese of the matter is not worth going into great detail, and trying to talk to the bone headed egos (players and owners) that are arguing is senseless as well. Therefore, sensible reader, as much as it pains me, and for as much as I love Laker basketball, let me make my plea to you... boycott all things professional basketball until greedy players come to appreciate the real reason that they are not playing pick up games on the playground, it is because of "YOU!" In the same breath, I believe the owners of these franchised teams will have a greater appreciation for you as well.
Did I mention that the Yankees lost? Yeah, ok, good!
Onto NASCAR! Now here's a sport that everyone can learn from! Down to the wire baby! Can Jimmy surge in Kansas, and win another Cup Championship? Will Gordon conquer Kansas and get back into the thick of things, or drum roll please... Will Harvick do it again for DEI!? Stay tuned this NASCAR season finale is sure to be a barn burner!
College Football:
Which student body will cheer for a Heisman winner, and which student body will celebrate a National Champion? Well my Heels will not see it in football, but in soccer (the other futbol) our men, and women have a stellar shot! So in futbol Norte Americana, I say, "On Wisconsin baby!" I didn't think that the Badger faithful would have a shot at getting their first Championship this year, because the defense couldn't hang with speedy offenses. Note to self, when you have a one-two, and three punch on offense, with the third punch capable of producing a lethal fourth shot, your defense can rest a little easier. Your D can rest a little easier because the oppositions D can't! They cannot rest at all because they can't stop you late in the game due to the dominance of your offense. Out of the back field Wisconsin has a bruising back that can keep the "Ball" rolling, and they also have a Brown man name "White," that moves like lightening! Then when they get tired of scoring, they allow Russell "Oh Mr. Wilson" to run one in on you, or use his arm to throw one to Toon, or a host of other (now open) receivers because of what your running game has done. Oh did I mention the fact that this backfield is protected a front line of giants? 16'5" 1315lb average, and have a heart as big as all outdoors. When they lean on you, you feel it. So yes, defense can be generated by offense.
What trade of governing body is being fair in China now days? I love the Chinese culture, but the way they do business is killing me. Now the UCI is in their pocket. Yes, it has been rumored that the cycling committee called UCI told all of the worlds top teams, that if they missed the starting line in Beijing, that they would be looked over when it came time for licensure in 2012. Hey no doping with roids, just noids! Go Trek go!
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