Friday, July 13, 2012

True Intentions

Again, I have to ask... what are your true intentions? To help others, or to help yourself. How long do those intentions last, how long should they last?

I use the Ali-Frazier fights as a lead example when it comes to hype. Ali could sell a fight like nobody else. Well lookout world, if trash talking had a champion, Chael Sonnen would be champ hands down. His gift of gab is second to none. Chael can hype up a fight. Was Chael trying to create a bigger payday for Anderson Silva, and himself? Was Chael just trying to gain that much of a psychological advantage? Is Chael really that much of an obnoxious goon, that no one could stand to be around him? I don't know Mr. Sonnen personally, and his words are his words, he is gifted with ridiculous dialect, and puts on a good show. I am a fan, not a direct recipient of the trash talking, and if I were, I'd be Anderson Silva, and looking to shut his mouth. 

I don't know Mr. Silva either, but I do know one thing, if you ever wondered how humble a true champion can be, you can stop wondering now. I don't mind fighters using a translator, because the fighter can express himself from the heart in his native tongue, and not be misunderstood. Not misunderstood that is if the translator does his/her job correctly. On the other hand, the interviewee needs to give the translator a true and wholesome message to relay. I think the champ humbles himself, as usual, pretty well in this video.

Most of these guys have larger than life egos, and you can see that Chael comes by it honestly, if you watched the post fight footage featuring Chaels father. Chael is the spitting image of his dad, and his attitude seems to be a direct reflection of his father. His father sounded a lot like me after a game, however. So I had to check myself at the door. Chael's father gave him a heavy critique and said he messed up bad when he threw that spinning back fist so wildly that he sent himself to the canvas! But he also told him to keep his head up, he still had the greatest family in the world, and was the best looking fighter in the UFC! Proud, and good father, whether you like the elder Sonnen's tact or not, he manifested the heart and toughness of a great father. You have to admire the bond and the understanding this father and son have.

Kudos, to both champ and challenger after an epic verbal battle, and a pretty gutsy physical battle. Sonnen, humbled himself very well, and the champ did so as well. I also have to say that I take my hat off to Silva for humbling himself and saying that he wanted no part of beefing up to meet "Bones" Jones. I'll say this for GSP, he can humble himself any day now, and say that he doesn't want any part of Anderson Silva. So post fight thoughts? Mine conclude with, "Bravo gentlemen, well done!"

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