Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what they all have to say:
BW: After reading the ladies post (because Blogwizer is a ladies first network), what say you as a single father, about the most difficult things in single parenting.
SF: First of all, kudos to the single mom for not downing all men or the man that is not their for her children. She may have left him, or he could be a dead beat, but she didn't down him you know?
Financially it is tough, but I have a great family. My children had their grandparents, and aunts and uncles. So Childcare wasn't a big issue for me, and I have great friends. I was fortunate. It's not as difficult for a man with boys, I could play ball, and help them with homework and hygiene, but I can't imagine having to put ribbons in hair, or talk to a teenage daughter about boys, or hygiene, or caterpillar to butterfly stages. Girls would be hard.
BW: So what would you do if you had a little girl? I have one, but her mother would NEVER go a day without checking on her. They are close. So what would you do if you had a girl?
SF: What would you do if her mother wasn't close?!
BW: I asked you first, lol!
SF: What any smart man would do... Call my mother! If she wasn't here, I'd call my sister, if she wasn't here, I'd go to my go to girl. You know, my Google woman, my Ask Jeeves woman.
BW: Nice, hahaha! Ok so what's most rewarding about having your children full time.
SF: This sounds shallow, but I do things my way. If I want to read to them at night, I can. If I want to have Cheetos in bed with them, I eat Cheetos in bed. I don't have anyone telling me I can't. If I feed them junk food before meals sometimes, then I can get away with that. We watch lots of sports, and we play hard, but school comes first. They are respectful, good boys, and we have a great, and selfless bond. I love my boys.
BW: That's what's up! Thanks meign.
SW: You know it, thank you, hope school is good. I know who my counselor will be when he gets his degree.
BW: You sir are too kind!