Monday, October 21, 2013

They Didn't Stand a Chance II

Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what they all have to say:

BW: Single Mother what is the most difficult thing about being a single mom?

SM: The most difficult...Trying to be both parents when the other is not involved, when you have a son you have to remember to do things that he misses doing with his dad. Throwing football, teaching him the guy stuff he needs to know. Trying to understand what he is going through as a boy especially as he is entering the teen years. It's very difficult.

Having a daughter you have to understand she is missing that "daddy's girl love" that every lil' girl needs, and help her thru that, helping them to understand it is not their fault the father is not here anymore, I think that is why baby girl turned to sports, we all use to play as a family, all the time, its her comfort.

Then there is the trying to make it on one income, helping them with their homework, and making sure they do great in school, and finding the time between work and the activities they are involved in... the most rewarding would be.. getting to be there for it all, teaching them about God, right from wrong, and watching them grow and learn, it is well worth all the difficult things.

Seeing them smile as they make good grades, make that awesome play in whatever sports they're playing in. Tucking them in at night, saying prayers, and hearing them say I love you Mommy, and being there to help them deal with the difficult times, and answer all their questions.

Dad's up next...

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