Big purple dinosaurs influence some of us to use too much imagination and not enough reality. We pretend to be a friend, but then we don't have time for our friends. We pretend to care about people, but are so carefree that we become careless enough to become uncaring and rude. Some people will go as far as to lie to one another and pretend not to be interested in another's caring or compassion then they observe the other individual (stalk) them for the sole purpose of the self-indulgence in ego tripping. Yes ego trippin'! They watch you just to see if they're hurting you, or if they're getting to you. What's good is that the purple dinosaur can't trump a purple clad spirit. Don't pretend to care, no instead prove that you do care. The imperfect Christian's spirit is in tune with a greater spirit. That spirit is the Holy Spirit.
In the first pic, that's an image of a great friend (a brother of mine), and myself. In the second pic, it's actually the two of us, not a reflection, or refraction. We don't have to pretend that we are there for one another. We are actually there for one another.
When I say I don't need Facebook to appreciate this brother, I'm sincere in that. I don't have to follow him on Twitter or lie to him about losing my password (both of us knowing I can retrieve it in my email), to keep from helping him out by following him and trying to be stealth and stalk him without his knowledge of it.
Do we agree to disagree? Sure, but we don't pretend to be something we aren't. We're friends for life and we have taken and take time to grow as friends. That's what good friends do. That's how good relations are conducted. Whether it be public, private, or otherwise, that's how rational people conduct themselves. When I was a child I spake as a child (I cursed without caring, I talked without thinking, I talked vulgar and partook in like events), I understood as a child (my understanding was that as long as it was good for me, that's all that mattered), I thought as a child (I thought it was ok to rush into things, that it was ok to say one thing, then do another), but when I became a man, I put away childish things. (Sometimes the childish things will put themselves away, let them be done, let them stay lying, and if you have to put them away yourself, then put them away and do not look back. Do not look back just rejoice and be glad that you're not the one having to figure out how it was that you missed and allowed things to go so wrong, that it had to be put away in the first place.
I Corinthians 13:11
Pretending leaves you in a fantasy, not a fantastic voyage. Happy sailing realist. Happy drifting without a sail pretender.
I Corinthians 13:11
Pretending leaves you in a fantasy, not a fantastic voyage. Happy sailing realist. Happy drifting without a sail pretender.
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