Friday, January 2, 2015

Love Thy Who?

KKK billboard says, 'It's not racist'

This billboard is like having Rush Limbaugh doing a remake of "Do The Right Thing," (a Spike Lee movie), make it concerning his own version of race relations within his hometown, and calling it, "Do The Right Wing." 

Instead of Public Enemy doing the theme song of "Fight the Power," it'd be Public Enema doing "White's the Power."

Imperfectly thinking here we go:

Love thy neighbor as thyself, unless they're not your people. Thats how that goes, correct? Is it fair, or just to say too, that that's not racist? 

Forgive the imperfect one, Lord, but I missed the latter half of that verse in Your Holy Word. So to whom should the imperfect Christian call his people? Everyone?! Wow! Even those that don't act like they know that they too belong to You, Lord? Ok, the imperfect loves all people just not all of some people's ways. The imperfect one praises You for the lesson Holy One, and now apartheid (of the imperfect Christian's soul, mind, and body), is dead and freedom is much more abound. Thank You. 

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