Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Where One Door Shuts, Another One Opens

Some buy pets for companionship. Some buy pets to teach lessons. Lessons that teach children about responsibility. Lessons that teach a child or person how to care for another living soul. Sometimes they teach people how to better deal with death. 

Responsibility is something that takes self discipline. Pets teach us valuable lessons. The Old Man taught me how to care in a much deeper way. The Old Man taught me responsibility. I'd never witnessed a dog that loved to ride like my Skipper. He loved his truck! Lord, what a great friend.

He always greeted me with a nudge when I got home. He'd greet me to show me he loved me. I wish I were half the pet owner that he was the pet. 

I came home for lunch, during an already tough day and he was lying in front of his truck. He was losing his eye sight, and his hearing was also fading. So I called out to him from underneath my helmet, and he didn't move. I blew the horn and softly called out, "Old Man?" He never responded. My heart sank. He was so peaceful. He didn't struggle to get up, he didn't show signs of aching hips, he just lie there peacefully. If I could only be as fortunate as my Skip. I'm thankful to have had such a loyal friend. I miss him daily. 

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