Saturday, July 30, 2016

#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter

                  My spiritual brother

It's sad that most religious or race relations discussions transition into arguments, that eventually become a matter of disagreement. Disagreement then becomes the focus of who's right, and who's wrong rather than an agreement of any kind. At that point most all hope, and compromise, or even agreeing to disagree or banished. Hopefully the disagreeing doesn't lead to acts of belligerence, but instead creates a desire, or a drive that would lead the parties involved to hold an open mind in order to discover a rational way of resolving the matter. 

This blog is to discuss the topic of "Black Lives Matter," or referred to as (BLM), for the remainder of this blog. This blog will discuss why it is the movement began, why the movement is meant for good, and why others see that it is not. It is imperative to stay focused, and remain on topic. No one likes confusion, and it is just as unfair as it is impractical to compare apples to oranges. 

Again, this is a discussion that invites critical thinking in the area that says; #BlackLivesMatter (BLM). Critical thinking that shows both sides. Why is it that some see that BLM is so repugnant to some people that those same people attempt by any means necessary to refute it. It will also demonstrate how the BLM movement is critically important to some communities more so than others. 

I will begin with a question:

Does the BLM movement negatively affect those opposing it? If so how? 

Remember, please stay on topic... no apples and oranges, and please, please, please... think before you speak. 

Peace, blessings, and joy... That real PB&J

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