Photo Courtesy of: GoTravvy (IG: wynstagrams_power2thepixel), the Carolina Panthers, and the NFL (Not intended for sale or reproduction)
The NFL in my way of seeing it...
The NFL in my way of seeing it...
Way down South.
Why would I say that it's easier to win the Southern Division in the NFC than a Wildcard spot? Because any team can go 8 - 8 in the South and be champs! Also, because history has a way of repeating itself. Quinn is a hard nosed coach, but Riverboat Ron hasn't won 3 straight divisional titles for no reason. He utilizes talent that he doesn't even have to win games! The Cats still have an outside shot of finishing 5 - 2 in the last seven, while Atlanta with a struggle outside of the conference could crumble and finish a dismal 3 - 4, or possibly even 2 - 5 down the stretch. I'm just saying... ca-razier things have happened, and they could happen again.
To close out the rest of the division... the Saints have already come marching in, and are marching on their way out. They will make more changes after this season, I am sure.
The young Bucs are just that, young and growing. Under the leadership of their new QB, Jameis Winston (which is not bad, but certainly not that of Dak Prescott), they have done well. They are not yet ready to dethrone anyone, or step up and claim a prize that will not go unclaimed, however. Which leads us to the East.
"To the East my brotha to the East..."
Dethroning their arch nemesis, the Redskins has come to fruition for the bad guys this year. Barring a miracle (come on miracle), the Cowboys will win the East walking away. Painfully said, enough said.
The Frozen Tundra.
Unless you're a Bear anything is possible in the NFC North. If you're a Bear it's time to den, and no you can't share the one that the Lions are occupying. The healing Pack with experience will ultimately take charge and win the North by a clipped wing and a prayer.
How the West was won.
We thought the new Sheriff in town was from LA, but an ex-collegiate con from LA will have stolen the show again this year with a whole host of Badgers led by Mr. Wilson in the Pacific northwest. Whew, that was a mouthful! With that said, unless the red bird of the desert shows up like the menace, then the water fowl should prevail. Regardless, they'll all taste like chicken when the post Thanksgiving portion of the season gives way to the new year.
The AFC...
Almost as painful as coughing up blood... the Pats (again), have the East sealed.
The not so Great North.
Does anyone care? Just kidding Ravens, and Steeler fam. Bengal and Browns... The Bengals haven't had much to talk about since the days of the flying squirrel, "Boomer" Esiason, and Mr. Woods, not Tiger of course, although it is ironic enough that he played for a team with a tiger for a mascot. I would have been more accepting of being called Tiger rather than being called, Ickey. It must have been the dance that earned Mr. Woods such a title? Which is the only "cold cut" I have for him today. Then there's Cleveland, who according to Drew Carey, "Rocks!" Cleveland according to the NFL, "Got rocked!" Again!!! Can we talk Jim Brown out of retirement? I'm taking the Ravens winning the North by a little, with the Steelers looking for a Wildcard.
Way down South, Part II.
Everything is bigger in Texas, losing included. Losing will reshape the football state again, but so will winning. They will always be second in Texas. There will be more changes, but especially if the Titans take the crown. A Texans loss to the Raiders in Mexico City could make that momentum change, and personnel change very likely.
How the West was won, Part II.
#JustWinBaby #JustWIN ... Nuff said.
In case you don't understand the hashtags above, or don't know the late Al Davis, and his philosophies... it's the Raiders division to lose. Now you know.