Saturday, November 5, 2016

What's Real, and What's Fantasy?

What's real, and what's fantasy?

What's real:
Abortion clinics are very real.
George Bush was really president.

What's fantasy:
Fantasy was voting for a George H., and/or W. Bush, and thinking that abortions would decrease or abortion clinics would disappear. They never went away, they still exist.

What's real:
They still sale real assault rifles, and handguns.

What's fantasy:
Fantasy is voting for Hillary Clinton and thinking that firearms will go away, and that people shouldn't take responsibility for what happens with their firearms.

What's real:
There was relationships of all kinds before the US Constitution was written, and turned into the US CONstitution, and two Middle Eastern cities are still under water after being exposed Biblically about their sin nature.

What's fantasy:
No other cities have been destroyed by divine power, and no one has stopped the fact that some women will want relations with women, and some men will want relations with men.

Who you vote for may not change any of the above, who you pray for may.
Who you point fingers at, or talk about may not hear you, God will.
Who you point fingers at, or talk about may not care, you should.
Who you point at may need to be self, take a minute to think about what makes you want to be so right, all the time. May be, that just maybe, you may be the one in need of changing...

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