Thursday, April 1, 2010

UNC advances to NIT final on what? a controversial call?

UNC advances to NIT final on controversial call

OK I watched the UNC vs. URI game, and was an eye witness. So here's what I gathered from game:

First and foremost, the number one (#1), numero uno, top of da list rule in any sport is to never ever, neva, eva, eva, put the game into the hands of the ref!

One of my favorite cliches is, "If, if's and but's were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas!"

With that said let me walk you through the closing minutes of regulation, and focus on a couple of major factors.
1.) Both teams struggled with turnovers.
2.) In the Closing two minutes of the game, the University of Rhode Island missed four straight free throws! Four straight! "If" they were disciplined enough to hit from the charity stripe, things could have been different, "but" they did not!
3.) "If" I'm the URI coach and I know that UNC has scored 48 points in the paint up to this stage of the game, and both my team and theirs is shooting in the 30 percent range from the field, and the opposition is 1 of 15 from behind the arch then what do I tell my defense? I emphatically tell them to "CLOG THE LANE!!! Nothing in the paint, and contest the jumper loosely, we don't want stupid fouls, but a good hard foul in the paint rather than a layup is good. Why because neither team was shooting free throws particularly well either! So to conclude with regulation, "if" URI hits there free throws and disallows UNC to drive to the hoop, then it could be a different story. "But" they did not, and Coach Williams put his guys in position to win, and they executed the game plan to "near" perfection. The traps were beautifully executed, and they made the comeback that led to a tie, not a victory. Now for a UNC "but." "But" the game still went into OT, so it was not a completely perfect, "but" near perfectly executed game plan. I am sure Coach Williams would have liked to have taken care of the ball earlier on and would have loved to have sealed the deal in regulation himself.

And in the OT... should I even get started? Yes, I should! A jump shot, when Drew 2 had a high screen, and then a clear lane to the basket, and he pulls up for a tough jumper! Coach run that boy hard please! That horrid shot came off the rim long which resulted in a scramble for the rebound that could have been disasterous! Now on to the rules... when a player gains an advantage by placing another player at a disadvantage then a foul is committed. Will Graves chased after the long rebound, and was pushed into Ulmer the Rhode Island player. The URI player bumped Graves toward the second URI player, and caused Grave to fall. Graves fell near URI guard/forward Ulmer, but no one can say for sure that he hit Ulmer, and even if he did it was like he was blocked into the kicker. Different sport sure, but same principal, he was placed at a disadvantage before Ulmer tripped, and Graves was clearly pushed...

No matter how you look at it, it was an exciting game and one that the refs let them play for. Carolina Victory.

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