Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Apologize King Rice

Dear King,

I the imperfect Christian apologize for calling you a bad point man. You at least through thick and thin, stayed on board. I think Coach Smith would say that although you were not Phil Ford, Ed Cota, Ray Felton or Ty Lawson, you were certainly not a quitter either! You worked hard, and made the effort to make our school proud, and make our squad a better one, so today I offer up my apology, and my earnest and most sincere thanks, for your hard work. The brevity of life says to me, "May none of us every get angry and quit again..." Drew II I hope that you are not as sick at your stomach nearly two decades after your decision, as I was! God bless the worst point guard UNC has ever seen.


The Imperfect Christian
a.k.a. I Have Fallen Seven, Only To Rise Again...

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