Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How To Save A Life

This is not the normal Sports Blog, but here ya go! Reader discretion advised...

So I am driving at lunch, and the Fray is playing on the radio. I hear the words, "Where did I go wrong...?" and then the other words to cling to my frail brain were, "How to save a life," with that neat little piano tune that trails the lyrics. As I am passing the Chinese restaurant I see a stray dog. By chance I remembered this article from the LA Times:

Therefore, I figured since my appetite for Chinese was now destroyed, I would do my part to save a life, just in case the restaurant over here, didn't hear about the dog meat festival cancellation. You know I am teasing! I still eat General Tso's Chicken! I just try to ignore the sounds coming from the kitchen.

So no Chinese today! How about pulled pork, or ribs? Any FiDahla Footlong at Subway thru October! No ribs or pulled pork are the same after you eat at my uncle's house! But strangely enough another remembrance of an article struck me as I was on my way to Subway! Ex-model serves husband up Hannibal the Cannibal style:

So just goes to show you, that not all cannibals and trophy seekers are from Wisconsin! Also goes to show you not all dogs killed and eaten have four legs. Mrs. Nelson said that Mr. Nelson beat her, and abused her in other ways so she defended herself. She evidently felt she needed to kill him to fully defend herself, and rid herself of the threat of being killed herself. The whole eating him plot, and dismembering him the way she did, well not self defense there in my book.

So if my dog goes missing, and the neighbors dog goes missing, could that be a different type of serial killer? Or if my wife kills me, could that be considered as animal cruelty? I think she'd receive a more harsh line of punishment if they tried her for animal cruelty. OK I will stop their and add a note to self, if I want to eat well, I do not need to look at blogs, or read the news before or during lunch ever again! OK I will conclude right there!

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