Sunday, April 15, 2012

Trek 100

The time draws nigh, that Kert and Sivart will journey North, and ride 100 miles for a very worthy cause, "The Trek 100." It is a ride that raises monies for the MACC Fund. The MACC Fund has generated over $42 million dollars for childhood cancer, and related blood disorder research. The Trek 100 site is:

You can get answers to FAQ's there, and learn more about the 200+ researchers and physicians that are working hard to combat cancer and related blood disorders for children.

Kert and I will be signing up to register for the Trek 100 at some point this week, or this month, to do our part. I will post a link for donations if anyone is willing and able to help. We are praying for 100 or more friends to donate $10 or more, so that we can raise $1000 for research that will bless these little ones. Any donation size is welcomed, and appreciated, but our goal is at least $1000. 100% of what I take in for the MACC Fund goes to the research for pediatric cancer, and blood related disorders. I receive nothing but the joy and satisfaction of pushing myself to ride 100 miles in the beautiful township of Waterloo, Wisconsin, to help children not only in the great state of Wisconsin, but our great nation, and hopefully one day the world. My reason for riding 100 miles and raising money for such a great cause... I could be that father that is trying to figure out a way to comfort his child while dealing with such a dreaded disease. I don't want that for any child, parent, or family. Thank you for taking time to read the blog, and for any contribution that anyone is able to give. God bless you all.

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