Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The To Do(n't) List! (Who to Keep, Who to Drop...)

Most have "New Years Resolutions," or "To Do" lists. Well today I am starting a "Mid Year Rebellution!" A "To Don't List!" I am also dropping a few things along the (social media) way. And here is the list.

The To Don't List:

10. Don't believe everything at first glance. Dwight Howard is not a Laker, "yet"!
9.   Don't believe everything rumored. Dwight Howard is not a Laker "yet", but Steve Nash is!
8.   Don't make remarks that could misguide the government into believing you're a terrorist!
7.   Don't laugh at the poor sap that only has women friends on his social networks and deletes the ones that don't give him their undivided attention, or their...
6.   Don't laugh at the poor sap that believes that every negative post from the women that have turned him down, are all about him.
5.   Don't post before you're certain that your posts cannot be mistake for something that they're not. 4.   Don't drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's not!
3.   Don't follow anything that, even remotely, attempts to be negative.
2.   Do not watch any professional sports where athletes use performance enhancing drugs. Sports included:

              A) Bicycling
                 a. Tour de Farce
                 b. Giro d' It'sDopia
                 c. Cheata de EspaƱa
              B) MLB (unless the Dodgers are playing for the Series)
And the #1 Don't....

1. Don't finish with a don't! The only pro sport that I can watch is basketball. The NBA is good to go. Their athletes take performance altering drugs, not performance enhancing ones. I don't have to worry about asterisks, or titles changing hands 10 years after they played the title game! Go Lakers, and Howard is not a Laker, yet!

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