Sunday, October 27, 2013

They Didn't Stand A Chance IV

Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what the married couple has to say: 

BW: What is the most difficult part of being a spouse with children?

MC: Our children are such a blessing and have added so much to our life that I guess honestly the hardest part of being a spouse with children is letting them grow up, giving them the space that they need to grow and become the people that they are meant to be. Being a mother is the greatest reward that I have ever received in my life.

BW: That's awesome! Can you expound on what rewards you are referring to?

MC: The rewards of seeing something that is part of me, go out into the world and make their parents proud. The small things they do everyday, like my son running by the store because he knew that we needed milk or eggs without our having to even ask him, or like my little girl going out and finding what some would consider a plain rock, but she gets it to be mommy's good luck pet rock, or the pictures that she draws for our fridge. The pride of knowing that they are the best things that I have ever made in this lifetime.

BW: Procreation is a wonderful gift! But the gift of those procreated can be costly. Food, shelter, college... do you see a dramatic change from when you were growing up, to now. What do you expect from your children, and what do you want for your children?

MC: The expenses as far as money goes is very hard. Clothes, shoes, food and a good education (are all expensive). The choice to home school (as well) is a steep cost, but then when you calculate the pros to the cons and know that you are creating a bond that is so deep, and that you can also teach your children about God without someone telling you that you cannot, and that you cannot pray with them, when you average out these costs that's when you know that the rewards are a lot bigger than the cost. I want my children to reach for the stars, I want them to stretch forward and use every gift that God has blessed them with. I want them to know that they are loved and supported without worry, and that they can dance like nobodies watching.

BW: Good stuff. When you are qualified to have home school, that is a blessing. If you were not qualified to teach them at home (and I know you are, you have a son in college), what would you do, or recommend?

MC: If I were not qualified to teach them myself, then I would work harder to place them into one of the fine Christian Schools that are close by. We have some fine facilities close by, and one in particular that I would strongly recommend. My belief, (in) God and the ability to share Him with my children would be at the top of my (priorities) list. And I'm not knocking the public school systems, I would just like to instill values into my children that are prevented in the public school system. And again, not saying that my kids are or will be any better than anyone else, but that I enjoy the closeness the bonding and the openness between parent-teacher and student.

I would recommend them (the local Christian schools) if someone were to ask my opinion. And I am more than happy to always help ya out!

BW: Alright... Again thank you fir letting me harass you for a few. I will stop harassing you now, and bid you farewell.Thanks for your time

MC: No harassing here, (I)was very glad to help out. God bless you and may angels stand watch over you!

BW: Thanks, you as well ma'am.

A special thanks to a very special group of friends... The final blog will come from the mouths of babes. Kids, do they say the darnedest things? We shall see...

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