Friday, February 13, 2015


A lady dressed in old sweat pants approaches another lady standing next to a newer SUV having mechanical issues, and asks her for money, she's successful. 

Next she approaches a man in jeans, black jacket, cowboy boots and hat, getting out of a car that's not quite as new as the other ladies SUV, and asks him for money too. Again she is successful. 

The lady asking for money is now walking toward my car. However, when she takes a look inside and sees me, she bolts like I'm about to take the money she just received from two other strangers. She thought I was an undercover cop, right? If so why would she go to the next person to pull into the parking lot (right in front if me), an ask them for money? Hmmm... because it was  to Donate to Tammy Time, right? They were all driving down to the shopping center, today, to give her money, right? Yeah that's it. 

Sometimes stereotypes can work to ones advantage. In case anyone's wondering... She could put Caucasian in her box for ethnicity, as to where I couldn't. 

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