Saturday, September 17, 2011

We Dream, We Live, We Believe

Don't just say you believe. Show that you believe.

We believe that what we think is right, when it's really all wrong...
We believe that what we sing is music, when we really have no song...
We believe that we climb the mountain, when the mountain is climbing us...
We believe that we are Trekking, when we can't even afford to ride the bus!

Dream while you sleep, Live while you're awake!

My Yellow jersey, will come with completing a few tasks for my family today. My team will reach the podium when we all finish with the agenda that's at hand. Run the race with faith, and let your steps be that of the righteous, let them be ordered from a Power so high, that nothing can bring you down!

See you on the black top and the trail, until we hit the streets of Gold... Peace

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