Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Final Love Story

The imperfect Christian has a story that may be a bit graphic for younger audiences, so be forewarned as a parent.

The imperfect Christian was reminiscing over a dear friend, one that knew no limits in love. This friend was the most compassionate, humanitarian anyone could ever meet.  The friend became a best friend, a major influential figure, and a mentor. The imperfect one remembers his friend announcing in a formal letter (a final love story) that it was time for their departure. It was one of the saddest times a person could ever endure. The imperfect Christian was losing the perfect friend.

Imagine your best friend saying that they were going to move several hours away. Imagine going to an empty house, and not finding your best friend there, or the love of a lifetime there. Imagine you've lost your job. Imagine finding a suicide note with the follow bits of information:

The doctor has informed me that I have cancer. My spouse left me, and has taken our children 900 miles away. I have endured being abusing daily, both verbally and physically. My spouse has cheated on me, and I have experienced the pain of what it is like to cheat on a spouse. I love life, but I am so depressed that the thought of suicide rushes in like the flood waters from a heavy rain, on soft, rich, mountainous soil. On top of all of this, my friend, that is closer than any brother, told the people that hated me most, just where to find me, then the government has falsely accused me. They have tried me unjustly and now they are imprisoning me. I was in the theatre where couples were slain, I was in the school when children killed children, but none of them would come to me for cover. They wouldn't allow me to help. Now they won't treat me, and the only medicinal aid they will grant me, is a vile, bitter liquid. They are prepared to beat me, and have exposed me to the other belligerent souls here, and they have taken their hate out on me. I have endured: adultery, bullying, gender discrimination, genocide, murder, racism, rape, treason, and on and on... I had lost my job, battled depression, had my best friend set me up, and now I am walking a deeper green mile than Stephen King ever dreamed of. I am on death row, and I have every ailment, and form of disease known to mankind. Everything from aids to a toothache, and now the public despises me as well. As I sit here alone I can only pray that all of this is just a bad dream, and that there is some way out. When I wake up, this will all be over, and thing will be as they were, and everything will be ok, and I will know this not to be true. If there is anyway, I pray this not to be necessary!

The imperfect Christian first met this dear friend, as a child, at his grandmother's house. This friend has seen the imperfect Christian through lifes' struggles, time and time again. This friend never once turned their back on the imperfect one. The imperfect one was bitter at this friend, and this friend on a few occasions, and unlike any other friend, this friend stayed with the imperfect one even when he was less than perfect. From self murder, to murdering others, God knows your struggle. Ever wonder why God allowed His only begotten Son to die such a brutal death? Some say that Jesus, in a round about way, committed suicide because He didn't call on the legion of angels to destroy His captors.
Instead Jesus called His betrayer (Judas Iscariot) "friend!"
Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?” Matt 26:50 (NKJV)

Then Jesus said to Peter:
"Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? Matt 26:52&53 (NKJV)

The imperfect Christian is not suggesting anyone commit suicide, but I am thinking that in this instance, THE Son of God was thinking of the son of perdition. Blasphemy against the Holy One, and denying yourself daily grace, (not believing in the SON), are the only unpardonable sins.

This is my final love story, because there is no other love, no other love like this.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J 

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