The Mystery of Edwin Drood has a dynamic cast, and crew. From production down to housekeeping, this is a wonderful group of people. This show is not meant for the audience to merely show up and watch, but it is intended for the audience to feel a part of, to have fun, relax, feel at home, and enjoy. Plus the Playhouse has a wonderful choice selection of vino. Yes, you may treat yourself or your date to a glass of fine wine. You may also wine and dine, as you cure your thrust with wine, and fancy your hunger by feasting on fine theatrics.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood is a Tony Award Winning play, with music from Rupert Holmes, a fabulous orchestra directed by the amazing Mrs. Ginger Haselden, choreographed by Mrs. Tina Foor, and the production directed by none other than Mr. Woody Hood.
The show has mild adult humor, and is led by the wit, and charm of your Chairman/Mayor "Thomas Sapsea" (Andrew Gall), with a host of lead cast, that intrigue and invite you to think deeply, move in endless fun, and partake in vast possible endings. You the audience actually have a say in how you have spent your money at this production! A fantastic suspense filled musical comedy, that will have you ready to dance and cheer with the cast in the aisles. You don't want to miss this edge of your seat, to out of your seat experience. Reserve your tickets now!
Here are a couple of options for purchasing:
You may take the risk in getting a last minute seat by driving here:https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Parkway+Playhouse,+Green+Mountain+Drive,+Burnsville,+NC&hl=en&sll=35.170517,-79.860994&sspn=4.705019,10.777588&oq=parkway+playhou&t=h&hq=Parkway+Playhouse,&hnear=Green+Mountain+Dr,+Burnsville,+Yancey,+North+Carolina+28714&z=16
Or you may reserve seats online by following one of the links below:

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