Saturday, November 19, 2016

Why in the NFL would you say that?!

Photo Courtesy of: GoTravvy (IG: wynstagrams_power2thepixel), the Carolina Panthers, and the NFL (Not intended for sale or reproduction)

The NFL in my way of seeing it...

Way down South.

Why would I say that it's easier to win the Southern Division in the NFC than a Wildcard spot? Because any team can go 8 - 8 in the South and be champs! Also, because history has a way of repeating itself. Quinn is a hard nosed coach, but Riverboat Ron hasn't won 3 straight divisional titles for no reason. He utilizes talent that he doesn't even have to win games! The Cats still have an outside shot of finishing 5 - 2 in the last seven, while Atlanta with a struggle outside of the conference could crumble and finish a dismal 3 - 4, or possibly even 2 - 5 down the stretch. I'm just saying... ca-razier things have happened, and they could happen again.

To close out the rest of the division... the Saints have already come marching in, and are marching on their way out. They will make more changes after this season, I am sure.

The young Bucs are just that, young and growing. Under the leadership of their new QB, Jameis Winston (which is not bad, but certainly not that of Dak Prescott), they have done well. They are not yet ready to dethrone anyone, or step up and claim a prize that will not go unclaimed, however. Which leads us to the East.

"To the East my brotha to the East..."

Dethroning their arch nemesis, the Redskins has come to fruition for the bad guys this year. Barring a miracle (come on miracle), the Cowboys will win the East walking away. Painfully said, enough said.

The Frozen Tundra.

Unless you're a Bear anything is possible in the NFC North. If you're a Bear it's time to den, and no you can't share the one that the Lions are occupying. The healing Pack with experience will ultimately take charge and win the North by a clipped wing and a prayer.

How the West was won.

We thought the new Sheriff in town was from LA, but an ex-collegiate con from LA will have stolen the show again this year with a whole host of Badgers led by Mr. Wilson in the Pacific northwest. Whew, that was a mouthful! With that said, unless the red bird of the desert shows up like the menace, then the water fowl should prevail. Regardless, they'll all taste like chicken when the post Thanksgiving portion of the season gives way to the new year.

The AFC...


Almost as painful as coughing up blood... the Pats (again), have the East sealed.

The not so Great North.

Does anyone care? Just kidding Ravens, and Steeler fam. Bengal and Browns... The Bengals haven't had much to talk about since the days of the flying squirrel, "Boomer" Esiason, and Mr. Woods, not Tiger of course, although it is ironic enough that he played for a team with a tiger for a mascot. I would have been more accepting of being called Tiger rather than being called, Ickey. It must have been the dance that earned Mr. Woods such a title? Which is the only "cold cut" I have for him today. Then there's Cleveland, who according to Drew Carey, "Rocks!" Cleveland according to the NFL, "Got rocked!" Again!!! Can we talk Jim Brown out of retirement? I'm taking the Ravens winning the North by a little, with the Steelers looking for a Wildcard.

Way down South, Part II.

Everything is bigger in Texas, losing included. Losing will reshape the football state again, but so will winning. They will always be second in Texas. There will be more changes, but especially if the Titans take the crown. A Texans loss to the Raiders in Mexico City could make that momentum change, and personnel change very likely.

How the West was won, Part II.

#JustWinBaby #JustWIN ... Nuff said.

In case you don't understand the hashtags above, or don't know the late Al Davis, and his philosophies... it's the Raiders division to lose. Now you know.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

What's Real, and What's Fantasy?

What's real, and what's fantasy?

What's real:
Abortion clinics are very real.
George Bush was really president.

What's fantasy:
Fantasy was voting for a George H., and/or W. Bush, and thinking that abortions would decrease or abortion clinics would disappear. They never went away, they still exist.

What's real:
They still sale real assault rifles, and handguns.

What's fantasy:
Fantasy is voting for Hillary Clinton and thinking that firearms will go away, and that people shouldn't take responsibility for what happens with their firearms.

What's real:
There was relationships of all kinds before the US Constitution was written, and turned into the US CONstitution, and two Middle Eastern cities are still under water after being exposed Biblically about their sin nature.

What's fantasy:
No other cities have been destroyed by divine power, and no one has stopped the fact that some women will want relations with women, and some men will want relations with men.

Who you vote for may not change any of the above, who you pray for may.
Who you point fingers at, or talk about may not hear you, God will.
Who you point fingers at, or talk about may not care, you should.
Who you point at may need to be self, take a minute to think about what makes you want to be so right, all the time. May be, that just maybe, you may be the one in need of changing...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Honor, Love, Respect

Honor, Love, Respect

UNC Marching Band, Cheerleaders, Dancers, and Football Team photo courtesy of IG: Wynstagrams_Power2thePixel 

People make mistakes, bad decisions, and a whole host of other wrongful acts. When a person does the wrong thing some people will never forget it. An apology can be made, and those same people just won't let go of how they perceive that wrong doing, even if they are just as wrong, or (brace yourself), even if they started the wrongful act. Forgiveness is an act of respect, self-respect. Self-respect in the sense that the one forgiving is respectful enough to forgive, respectful enough to accept the disrespectful wishes of the person who doesn't forgive, and lacks character enough to be what they claim to be (a good, or caring person). They can't be wrong, so respect their wish, if they can't be wrong, they can at least be what they choose... miserable, disrespectful, and alone, very alone. Alone on an early death bed, alone in a rest home, alone... 

For the people who face the music at the end of the game win or lose, and do so to honor those that they love, and even some they don't, much love and respect to you. The art form of love and honor are lost forms, lost forms waiting on the one innovator to come along and introduce them in a flavorful, new way. 

Lord let the innovation and revival begin with me. For those I've wronged, or had a difficult time forgiving. Lord please forgive me now, and allow me to forgive now as well. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," why is it on us first? Because we always expect our child to know better and do as its taught, to do the right thing. God is more deserving of being honored as a Father than me, and He expects us (me) to do the right thing. Therefore, on us again (me again), let us (me)... "forgive those that trespass against us," too. 

Until the next time go love on somebody! Peace, blessings, and joy... that real PB&J! 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter II

Burnsville Town Centre (Mass Choir)

The #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) movement isn't a movement meant to attempt to denounce the fact that #AllLivesMatter. Unfortunately, all voices that speak out against BLM attempt to denounce their movement. Rather than jump on a bandwagon, and join the ignorance, why not listen, learn, and then look long into the matter, and speak lovingly?

First things first; I'd like to address the selfish naysayer's mentality. The selfish naysayers react based on their own fear, their own hate, and their own stereotype. A selfish naysayer isn't the rational debater that has studied with due diligence. The selfish naysayer simply sees a movement, or an action, and jumps in head first with the selfish, "what about me?!" They are worse than the spoiled only child. "Look at me, look at me," then gets upset when everyone else looks momentarily to assist the child next to it that's lets fortunate, and comes out of an abusive home. Well for the record it's not about me, it's not about you, it's about us. I don't exclude you, why exclude me?  BLM isn't "meant" to take away from #AllLivesMatter (ALM), or for that matter any other lives that matter. Rather than go out kicking, and screaming about how wrong BLM is why not include them in ALM? That's what the BLM is about. Not exclusion, but to be included and recognized. Therefore, why not support ALM or even #BlueLivesMatter? I'll tell you why you can but need to do so carefully, because then someone says, "What about #RedLivesMatter," and someone else in my Native American tribe becomes offended. Then what? All I ask is that you don't jump on the hate bandwagon. 

News flash... not everyone in brown skin hates everyone in skin that's different to theirs. I can, and will speak from experience on that one. Not everyone in brown skin feels that everyone with a different skin tone hates them based on their skin tone either. I also speak from experience on that one. 

To conclude this segment let's look at the rainbow of matters. Different is not so bad. How would an all black rainbow look after a rain? How about an all white rainbow? Do I recognize difference? Of course. Difference/uniqueness is beautiful. Do I see a reason to hate because of identity in difference? No. Most of my friends that have very racist tendencies (not necessarily racist just have a few tendencies), will say that they don't see color. Which I dare say isn't true, or it wouldn't be mentioned in the first place. However, one of my friends of non-color, but color (contradictorily speaking based on her Native American Indian ancestry), once explained that she most definitely recognized color. She spoke of the rainbow. She loves rainbows. "What is a rainbow without color L," she asks me? She was absolutely correct! What is a rainbow without ROYBGIV?! I don't want my favorite color in the rainbow excluded when I look at Gods' promise. However, I also do not see the rainbow being as beautiful with only violet in it. Would I dismantle the rainbow, or the movement? No. Just for the record this is not a LGBT message either, it's about the #LivesThatMatter Movement. I'm not saying that the lives in the LGBT community don't matter either. I am saying we can talk about the oranges after we wrap up the apples. 

Thanks and blessings.

#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter

                  My spiritual brother

It's sad that most religious or race relations discussions transition into arguments, that eventually become a matter of disagreement. Disagreement then becomes the focus of who's right, and who's wrong rather than an agreement of any kind. At that point most all hope, and compromise, or even agreeing to disagree or banished. Hopefully the disagreeing doesn't lead to acts of belligerence, but instead creates a desire, or a drive that would lead the parties involved to hold an open mind in order to discover a rational way of resolving the matter. 

This blog is to discuss the topic of "Black Lives Matter," or referred to as (BLM), for the remainder of this blog. This blog will discuss why it is the movement began, why the movement is meant for good, and why others see that it is not. It is imperative to stay focused, and remain on topic. No one likes confusion, and it is just as unfair as it is impractical to compare apples to oranges. 

Again, this is a discussion that invites critical thinking in the area that says; #BlackLivesMatter (BLM). Critical thinking that shows both sides. Why is it that some see that BLM is so repugnant to some people that those same people attempt by any means necessary to refute it. It will also demonstrate how the BLM movement is critically important to some communities more so than others. 

I will begin with a question:

Does the BLM movement negatively affect those opposing it? If so how? 

Remember, please stay on topic... no apples and oranges, and please, please, please... think before you speak. 

Peace, blessings, and joy... That real PB&J

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Where Are You Getting Your Info?

Where Are You Getting Your Info?

Would you ask a Yamaha fanatic about whether the Honda is faster than the Yamaha? Would you ask a finance manager if you can afford the faster Yamaha, when he hasn't had anyone in his office for a month? Would you ask the sales person which bike is the baddest, when he's led every potential buyer to the one bike in the corner covered in dust? If you answered yes to any of those please reread this paragraph.

Would you ask Fox News, CBS, NBC, or NPR about which candidate to vote for? Would you ask anyone that badmouths every candidate in a particular party without even knowing who they are, who to vote for? On that note, I am a bit let down by Franklin Graham now. Ben Carson is not perfect, but I don't see him being any less a Christian than either of the Presidents Bush. I know that sounds funky, but those of you with smarts will get it. Now Franklin Graham is saying he will not endorse a Republican, and that voters should vote for the person that represents Christian values the most. Mr. Carson has his biography and movie based on his life in Christian book stores started by Mr. Graham's father and he will not endorse him. Hmmmm... And then there's the Madonna of candidates, "Drop the Bush," Jeb we all know who you are, where you come from, and who's now not admitting to follow. 

Would you ask a person down and out, that's barely making it, or not even making it to help you figure out your finances? Wait Tyler Perry has a "movie," "The Family That Preys," with a former financial expert advising a single grandmother about her investments doesn't he? That's your one exception, if that one applies, even. Moving right along...

Are you looking for a new church? Would you ask an atheist to assist you with that? Would you ask a protestant about a mosque, or a kingdom hall to attend, or vice-versa? Have you tried the spirit to see that its true? (I John 4:1-5) Pick a version of the Holy Bible, it'll all bring you to the truth if you seek it. Because if you seek His guidance and not an unreliable source, you'll find the proper answer. Find your source, and then you'll find your answer.

Would you seek a person that has no life, messes in the lives of everyone else because of it, to help you find your place in life? I think these are all very valid questions. I am looking for a rational nation to not look to take our country back, but instead to take it forward!

Until then... I'll be riding my R1 as an independent to the polls, and as a Christian to the open air meeting on the mountain soon if any of you care to join me.