Saturday, May 14, 2011

Carried Away?

Aircraft Carrier Deck Will Host College Basketball Game | Playbook

Rumor has it that this is the ship from which Bin Laden's body was cast and buried. Freaky for some to think about that and honorable to others to have the game played on a vessel that was a part of making the world a safer place, and ridding the civilized world of the body of a mass murderer.

The game is scheduled for my wifes birthday! So she may get her trip to the coast after all. Not really, but it sounded good. They are playing in San Diego so the imperfect one will miss this one. Not that I could get on board the USS Reagan in September anyway. The Big Ten team will be Michigan State rather than Wisconsin, so the missus wouldn't be an easy sale on this one. Which is more than likely a good thing because they will be playing against the 2011/12 National Champs, my North Carolina Tar Heels. Approximately 7500 will be able to attend, the Nationally televised game and attendees will consist of mainly military personnel. The game marks the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11, one of our nations most tragic events. It is bitter sweet because it is also one of my more favorable memories, as it is also the week after my eleventh Anniversary, and my celebrating my wifes birthday for the eleveth time with her. Should be very interesting and well secured so unless you have a pass I suggest you not attempt to attend. No tickets will be sold. It is said that if there is inclimate conditions, that the game would be held below deck. An amazing story, so what's your take? Feel free to leave comments below.

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