Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Saw The Light

I was happy and somewhat eager to see the final score of the Lakers and Mavs. I had anticipated that the Lakers would play with a hunger that would lead to a blow out. Kobe had 32 points and Bynum, Odom, and Gasol all had double - doubles. The bench out played the Mavs bench, and the Lakers won by 19.

Then the Dodgers, Andre Ethier had another hit and extended his hit streak to 30 consecutive games! What a perfect sports night. All this is great because I haven't jynxed him yet, and I am believing in his surpassing D'Maggio's major league record by three (3) games. Yes, I called it here first! Fifty-seven straight!

Well in an imperfect world, an imperfect Christian realizes that the perfect nights sleep is calm and ends well with a joyful wake up call. I was up on and off all night concerned about a sick mate and then ridely awakened too early by reality. I picked up my phone checked the Dodgers page and Ethier had safely reached base for the 30th consecutive time! That was great news, then came the not so great. The Lakers had dropped Game #2 at home to fall behind in the series by as many games. Am I panicking? No. I feel that they can still win this thing, but next year will be a reconstruction like no other, and I think it will be ugly. Beginning with a replacement for Coach Jackson. But in the mean time will Pau come thru in this series against Dallas, and can Mr. Ego refrain from taking that one nasty momentum shifting shot that turns the game around in favor of the bad guys? You know the double coverage, off balance, man open in the corner - but I'm a selfish non- passing shooter - shot.

Time will tell. But what changed my whole outlook on the playoffs was something by far bigger than the playoffs. I really believed with my entire being that the Lakers would be victorious in the game last night. I was nearly sick at my stomach when I saw the score. Frustrated I moved on to check my email,and that's when I received a prayer request that brought me back to earth. A request for intecessory prayer. A friend concerned for another friend, and it all hit me... it was sobbering actually. This is just a game, but today is a day that you have experienced life in. It was not guaranteed, nor was it promised, but it is here and so are you. As a Christian and a sports lover we should strive to face each challenge head on and help someone else make the best of their day and challenges along the way. So, needless to say I got over the loss quickly enough, and prayed. However, I'd be a liar if I said that I wasn't thinking hours after the prayer request about Game 3. Thinking about it with confidence and hopeful for another victorious series both on and off the court. Life is not just a game, but we should make it just as fun!
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