Remind me why we celebrate...
Celebration, creates celebrity. Celebrities are figured that we admire. We admire their services, we admire their abilities. The imperfect Christian is also an imperfect father. Therefore, he acknowledges the One that is worthy of being celebrated daily... our Heavenly Father.
The imperfect one is grateful that He has blessed him with fine men in his life. The imperfect one's great-grandfather was a great Christian man, as was his grandfather. They taught him to respect all, especially his Heavenly Father.
The imperfect Christian had great experiences with them. Fishing trips, baseball, and various sporting events, and some outings that words cannot detail, or do justice. Especially the old, "Suppertime Fart Story!" But the most memorable thing that the imperfect one carries from them is that they loved him enough to tell him and show him that at any time. They taught their sons that as well. They instilled family value, and it passed along nicely through the following generation.
The imperfect one's uncles are selfless because of the examples they were blessed to follow. The uncles taught the inperfect Christian to open doors for a "lady," and to be respectful. We all disagree from time to time, but one can be respectful in doing so. With that said, how many are worthy of having a door opened for them, how many "ladies" are left?
The uncles also taught him about sacrifice and priority. They also enforced such rules. They taught and enforced the "please and thank you," rules. They are/were great, great family men. They would lay their lives down for those that they love:
What greater love does one have than One that would lay His life down for them?
The imperfect one had three great examples to follow as far as uncles are concerned. Therefore, the imperfect one is grateful for the Christ-like men in his life. The men that inspired him to take the Deep Gap Trail trips back in the day, and take the BlurRidge rides now. He is grateful for the positive role models that stepped up when he needed a father figure. He is grateful for men not too proud to show affection, not too proud or timid to have hugged him even when he was undeserving. He is grateful for the men that talked with him when he deserved being shunned. He is grateful that they helped him when he didn't have enough sense to help himself. Thank You Lord, for the good fathers and father figures that step up. Because of that the imperfect Christian is a grateful and loving father himself. He may not be perfect, but he is caring and loves being a father to four of the greatest children God could ever bless him with. With that, to all active true fathers, Happy Father's Day, and thank You, Father.