Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Three Cities, Three Weeks, Three Part Blog

The walk through practices can say just as much about a team as one in full pads. You can see the swagger, or lack of in walk through practices.  

This session displayed younger players that were humble, and some veteran players that looked like they could care less. 

Veteran linemen looked disgruntled, while the younger linemen looked concerned, not anxiety ridden, but definitely concerned. The backers were the typical  smiling faces that most are. So there's no confusion they're not friendly smiling faces, but rather menacing smiling faces that translate to say, "Welcome to Hades, my names Satan, and I'll be roasting your buns all day today... order 25 up!" The corners and db's were relaxed and having fun, laughing among themselves stretching and walking through drills. They did so until practice began to wind down. 

A few rookie linebackers signed (mandatory) autographs after practice, while a few other up coming players stayed after to enjoy the fans. Jalen Collins the former LSU standout was one such player, and gracious enough to stay after for a bit. It has been rumored that Jalen had a few woes in his collegiate days, and that his camp was not his strongest showing. However, I feel based on his character, that Jalen is confident, and happy, and will be a round for a while. 

Closing on the coaches corner. Coach Quinn wore his "all business face," only being chummy with one person that he knew from his prior coaching experience. They looked poised to have a great year in camp and started the season off that way. What's happened, or is happening since? Time has told and will continue to tell. 

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