Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Fear of Missing Out


Preparedness... Mookie Betts of the LA Dodgers is facing former Astros and current Rays pitcher Charles Alfred Morton IV in the 2020, COVID shortened season ending, World Series. Mookie is prepared to swing at a good pitch. He has no fear of missing out. He gets his turn to bat, and he makes the most of it. He’s not concerned with what happened the at bat before him, or his last at bat for that matter. He’s only interested in doing what he can do with Charlie Morton’s next pitch. 

I had taken some time away from social media. It was much needed time away, and I have no regrets. It made me realize just how much of the real me, and the real world I was missing out on. I had a special day with special people, some great surprises, and much needed alone time with d.o.g, and G.O.D. Fear of missing out, transformed to faithfully overcoming my opposition. You’re in the batters box, what are you prepared to do with the next pitch? Beware of the intentional pass. The enemy may give you a base, but what will you do to get home? What will you do with the next pitch? 

Peace, blessings, and joy...

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Stop Playing

Stop Playing

Andy Stanley wrote from his devotional; Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, “People yielded to God don’t attempt to play God. They don’t predict outcomes. Instead, they surrender. They obey. They follow. As much as they want anything they want to be able to lie in bed at night knowing that things are good between them and their Heavenly Father.” 

I know that we live in a world full of different people. I also know that some of our differences are all that some of those people are going to see. Some are going to embrace and appreciate the differences, and unfortunately, some of those people are going to reject and hate you just because of those differences. 

How you love or treat someone should not be dependent on how they treat you or other people, it should be based upon how God treats you and has instructed you. 

People may abandon you, exclude you from their lives, and become very cold towards you, but God will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV). Forsake... what’s does that mean? It means that He will give you the space that you ask for, but promised not to leave you, and then give up on, reject, turn His back on, or disown you. Even when we turn our backs on Him He has never stopped being their for us, especially when we call on Him wholeheartedly. 

So stop playing God, stop playing the victim. Stop playing like you can see things clearly when you aren’t even looking. Be true to Him, be true to yourself, and turn it all over to Him. The picture is much clearer when we look at it in Supernatural faith, rather than with natural sight. 

Peace, blessings, and joy...