Friday, July 15, 2011

How Lucky Is 13?

Some don't see Friday the thirteenth as lucky. So does that count for stages in the Tour de France as well? Frank looked a bit wobbly at the end of the big climb today, and Andy looked ready for a Tour victory. What was Contador's look? Was he sand bagging? Four minutes is not impossible to overcome. There are still nine stages remaining. There is one climb left tomorrow, and Gilbert is still right there. So will Contador relax, and reserve some fight for later in the race, or will he try and gain ground on Schleck and Voekler, while attempting to discourage Gilbert, with a strong performance? The biggest or is, "OR" is he really suffering after playing catch up twice over already? I guess we will have our answers around 11:30am EST. Go Trek! Best wishes to teams Leopard, and Radio Shack. As I said before, Schleck's on the Trek's who could object? I just wish that Cancellara and Horner (who is completely out of the Tour now) could have been closer to the front. Don't count out Alberto, there are still nine stages, nine days of torture, and only one day of rest. I feel a great finish coming on! See you at Champs Elysees! One last time... Go Trek!

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