Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July five, Stage Four, and Alberto Contador had a strong ride today in the Tour de France. He is trying to overcome a deficit of approximately one minute and forty-two seconds. Which for a rider that climbs well, sprints well, and is an overall beast on a bicycle is not impossible to do. The deficit that will be the most grueling to overcome for Contador is the one he has with the fans of cycling. Losing trust, and falling behind in the integrity department is a tough hole to dig oneself out of. However, again not impossible to do. Still a lot of racing to do. How horrible would it be though to win GC (General Classification) honors, be the fastest man in the race and then have your title stripped because of doping. I pray that he is clean, but if they took the title from Landis then what's fair is fair. The trust lost will be hard for fans to gain back. I believe in second chances, but the A-Rods and Contador's leave a bad taste in your mouth. Just come clean, admit you were wrong and move forward. I can learn to love ya again if you admit your guilt, apologize, and serve your time. Time away from your sport is another difficult deficit to overcome, ask Mr. Ali about that one!
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