Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Do You Do With...

What do you do with a bad stomach, a sprained elbow, a broken Droid and rain. You sit inside and think about how behind you are getting in your yard work. Then you abandon your phone grab your laptop, watch the best (known) bicycle riders on the planet do battle in the Pyrenees! Andy looked to struggle a bit at the end, or was he just saving the kick for tomorrow? Frank looked strong at Plateau de Beille in the end, and grabbed a couple of seconds today, but not near enough to take a chunk out of the general classification time to gain the yellow jersey. Limoux to Montpellier tomorrow. I think with a rest day Monday you will see a different group of riders if the weather is fair! Contador will force things tomorrow, or my hiney isn't butter pecan brown! Voeckler will also come out of the yellow tomorrow. Stage Fifteen is the last of the Pyrenean stages, however word has it that everyone that has won the stage involving the climb up La Plateau de Beille (this years fourteenth stage) has gone on to win the Tour de France in the same year. I'm thinking that changes this year. This time next week will tell me if I am correct or not. I could be wrong, I mean I did have Chris Horner (of Team Radio Shack) and Fabian Cancellara (Team Leopard Trek) being up front. Now that The Shack has half of their team left, I only have a chance at Fabian being up front in one stage and that will be the one where he wins the Individual TT! But being banged up how probable is that even? Wait this is Fabian Cancellara right? The man who has shattered every Time Trial record out there, and won the last what 20 million Time Trials around the globe, including the UCI World Time Trials the last Olympic Time Trials. OK I take him winning by half a minute in the 42km TT. Anyone dare to challenge that?

NASCAR in New Hampshire tomorrow at Loudon, and the Hendrick's guys were said to look strong. JG in seventh and everyone else lined up in the twenties, I hope they are strong, considering how far back the rest of the team is starting! Fortunately, there is a lot of racing to do in a Cup race so no biggie starting back as far as twenty-eighth.

I guess tomorrow will be much of the same, I will be sitting and healing. I may run and not put as much strain on the elbow, then again, I may sit and transfer the strain from the elbow to the eyes. (Smile) As for now, it's steak time again, I have fought not eating it for two long!

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