Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I Am, Is What I Am

If you're a quitter, you breed quitting or shame. 
If you are a hypocrite, you breed hypocrisy. 
If you are a perfectionist, you breed (oft times), intolerance and displeasure. 
We complain or we ignore. That is to breed complexity, and ignorance. 
We try to be the best friend or the tyrant. That is to breed failure and cowardice. 

Things become difficult and we allow life to do what it will of us, rather than doing with life what we will. The strong parent gets up, knocks the dust off and teaches perseverance. 

"Smoking is bad for you, I don't smoke." "Going to church is important." 
"Don't you dare use that kind of language with me!" 
"You need to take your time!"

How many parents have you heard use these phrases, or better yet have you said these words?

You don't take a promotion because you're afraid of responsibility. The boss makes you mad. Your spouse makes you mad. What do you do? You resign, or remove yourself from your duties. It's a cop out. A cop out that is instilled, bestowed, thrust upon even the youngest of your children. Why? Because they are products of their environment. 

You don't go to church with your family, but harp at how God should be first in everyone's life. You tell everyone drinking is a sin, but you drink like a fish. Yes, I am preaching at self. 

I personally can't stand cigars or cigarettes, and I seldom ever drink and when I do it's not Dos Equis. I'm not the most interesting man in the world or the perfect parent, I am the imperfect Christian that your mother warned you about. 

I am the hypocrite that needed prayer and still does. I'm the parent that tried to learn from other parents and not just my own. I am the parent that tries to learn from the good and the bad in order to make good for all of my children on all occasions. I am the parent that is trying to lead as I am rather than the opposed and lead as I am not but say that I am. Pray for me reader as I pray for you, "Lord let me be more like you!" Amen. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

2 B U10 Again...

The lessons learned.

When a beautiful little girl brings you a box of pudding crackers (Nilla wafers), because her mother is a great coach and has a compassionate spirit that believes in bettering her players lives. It's amazing as to what a box of Nilla wafers and a box I doughnuts will do for you. Thanks coach Meredith. 

When a great coach tells you he'll assist you in coaching a team when he's as capable if not more so in leading the team to victory. Coach Ramos, you sir are the man!

When your parents tell you they're grateful for your taking time for their kids, and you're thinking, I'm grateful you trust me daily to mentally, physically, and spiritually push your child(ren) to be better people and good little soccer players. Thank you Knockout parents. 

I love this game, and I love my players even more! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

They Didn't Stand A Chance V

Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what they all have to say:

BW: What does it feel like not having your mom or dad around everyday?

CH: It's hard because the other kids ask about what your dad does, and you say, you don't know, because you don't. 

BW: So then you don't know what he does for work, or for fun, none if that right?

CH: Yep. 

BW: Do the other kids pick on you at school because your father is away from home?

CH: He's not away, he don't live with us. They don't say nothin' it was just sad for me when all the other kids said their dad's (were) with them and what they did, and I couldn't say nothin'.

BW: What do you think you would like most about having both parents at home?

CH: Someone to teach me things.

BW: Like what?

CH: How to understand better. 

BW: Understand better? What things?

CH: Football and mama. 

BW: It's very important to understand those things. How could your father help you understand your mother and football better? 

CH: (He could) Tell me why she cries sometimes and don't (doesn't) talk to me (during the crying). [Fighting back tears at this point, wishing a hug could cure the pain!]

BW: Does your mom ever say why she's crying, or say that it's your dad that makes her cry?

CH: I just know she works a lot and talks about the rent, and cooking. We don't have as much money. She don't talk about him at all. 

BW: How do you feel about your father? Do you think he is good or bad? 

CH: I don't know. I don't really know him. He's never around. 

BW: Does he send you letters, or call when he's not around?

CH: Nope. 

BW: Does he send you things for your birthday or holidays like Christmas?

CH: No. 

BW: How does that make you feel?

CH: I would like to have him teach me football. I don't need nothin' else. I do good in school, I ain't in no trouble, I (would) just like to have him to talk to. Sometimes, though, I like it with just me and mama. 

BW: You really like football, that's good. If you're glad your father is not there at times can't your mother practice with you? 

CH: I looove football! I'm gonna break Peyton Mannings records! Mama's ok, she don't watch me play, and don't practice with me. She's a girl, so I understand that part. I just wish my dad was here to teach me stuff like changing plays and how to get faster and stronger. Mama always cooks or says she's tired from working. My dad could practice with me when she cooked. But with him gone, I ain't got nobody to boss me around. 

BW: It's tough missing your dad, I wish that I could've talked with my dad before he died. I'm here if you ever need to talk hoss. I love ya. 

CH: I don't miss him, I just wish he was here, but I'm glad he's not sometimes. I love you too. How did your daddy die, was he old?

BW: He was sick and about my age. I didn't know how to miss him either. My mother never spoke much about my dad either. So perhaps we can help each other and help others like ourselves (you and me), in the future?

CH: You help me when you talk to me. You're like a big brother. You're nice. You're a good dad (referring to me and my children I believe).

BW: [Big lump in my throat, fighting with everything in me not to cry] Thanks hoss, you are a great young man, and hopefully you'll be an awesome dad one day too. Take care of your mama, and let me know if I can help. 

CH: Great, I need help with passing. Maybe you can come over and be Eric Decker one day? 

After much debate on why I would never play for the Broncos we agreed to be there for each other. 

His mother never bad mouths his dad, and for that I was grateful. No one wants anyone to remind them that a portion of them is faulty or worthless, especially a child. I'm a morale booster, not a morale buster. Regardless of whether or not he's present, he's still that boys father and that kid deserves better than to grow up thinking he's damaged because of a broken or damaged dad! Think (both parents) before you lash out. It's not just about you, you need to be mature enough to see how it affects your child. 

Peace to all, and I'm out. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

They Didn't Stand A Chance IV

Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what the married couple has to say: 

BW: What is the most difficult part of being a spouse with children?

MC: Our children are such a blessing and have added so much to our life that I guess honestly the hardest part of being a spouse with children is letting them grow up, giving them the space that they need to grow and become the people that they are meant to be. Being a mother is the greatest reward that I have ever received in my life.

BW: That's awesome! Can you expound on what rewards you are referring to?

MC: The rewards of seeing something that is part of me, go out into the world and make their parents proud. The small things they do everyday, like my son running by the store because he knew that we needed milk or eggs without our having to even ask him, or like my little girl going out and finding what some would consider a plain rock, but she gets it to be mommy's good luck pet rock, or the pictures that she draws for our fridge. The pride of knowing that they are the best things that I have ever made in this lifetime.

BW: Procreation is a wonderful gift! But the gift of those procreated can be costly. Food, shelter, college... do you see a dramatic change from when you were growing up, to now. What do you expect from your children, and what do you want for your children?

MC: The expenses as far as money goes is very hard. Clothes, shoes, food and a good education (are all expensive). The choice to home school (as well) is a steep cost, but then when you calculate the pros to the cons and know that you are creating a bond that is so deep, and that you can also teach your children about God without someone telling you that you cannot, and that you cannot pray with them, when you average out these costs that's when you know that the rewards are a lot bigger than the cost. I want my children to reach for the stars, I want them to stretch forward and use every gift that God has blessed them with. I want them to know that they are loved and supported without worry, and that they can dance like nobodies watching.

BW: Good stuff. When you are qualified to have home school, that is a blessing. If you were not qualified to teach them at home (and I know you are, you have a son in college), what would you do, or recommend?

MC: If I were not qualified to teach them myself, then I would work harder to place them into one of the fine Christian Schools that are close by. We have some fine facilities close by, and one in particular that I would strongly recommend. My belief, (in) God and the ability to share Him with my children would be at the top of my (priorities) list. And I'm not knocking the public school systems, I would just like to instill values into my children that are prevented in the public school system. And again, not saying that my kids are or will be any better than anyone else, but that I enjoy the closeness the bonding and the openness between parent-teacher and student.

I would recommend them (the local Christian schools) if someone were to ask my opinion. And I am more than happy to always help ya out!

BW: Alright... Again thank you fir letting me harass you for a few. I will stop harassing you now, and bid you farewell.Thanks for your time

MC: No harassing here, (I)was very glad to help out. God bless you and may angels stand watch over you!

BW: Thanks, you as well ma'am.

A special thanks to a very special group of friends... The final blog will come from the mouths of babes. Kids, do they say the darnedest things? We shall see...

Friday, October 25, 2013

They Didn't Stand A Chance III

Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what they all have to say:

BW: After reading the ladies post (because Blogwizer is a ladies first network), what say you as a single father, about the most difficult things in single parenting. 

SF: First of all, kudos to the single mom for not downing all men or the man that is not their for her children. She may have left him, or he could be a dead beat, but she didn't down him you know? 

Financially it is tough, but I have a great family. My children had their grandparents, and aunts and uncles. So Childcare wasn't a big issue for me, and I have great friends. I was fortunate. It's not as difficult for a man with boys, I could play ball, and help them with homework and hygiene, but I can't imagine having to put ribbons in hair, or talk to a teenage daughter about boys, or hygiene, or caterpillar to butterfly stages. Girls would be hard. 

BW: So what would you do if you had a little girl? I have one, but her mother would NEVER go a day without checking on her. They are close. So what would you do if you had a girl?

SF: What would you do if her mother wasn't close?!

BW: I asked you first, lol!

SF: What any smart man would do... Call my mother! If she wasn't here, I'd call my sister, if she wasn't here, I'd go to my go to girl. You know, my Google woman, my Ask Jeeves woman. 

BW: Nice, hahaha! Ok so what's most rewarding about having your children full time. 

SF: This sounds shallow, but I do things my way. If I want to read to them at night, I can. If I want to have Cheetos in bed with them, I eat Cheetos in bed. I don't have anyone telling me I can't. If I feed them junk food before meals sometimes, then I can get away with that. We watch lots of sports, and we play hard, but school comes first. They are respectful, good boys, and we have a great, and selfless bond. I love my boys. 

BW: That's what's up! Thanks meign. 

SW: You know it, thank you, hope school is good. I know who my counselor will be when he gets his degree.

BW: You sir are too kind!

Monday, October 21, 2013

They Didn't Stand a Chance II

Blogwizer (BW) speaks with the families in this blog. Married couples (MC), as well as single mothers (SM), single fathers (SF), even the children (CH), and here's what they all have to say:

BW: Single Mother what is the most difficult thing about being a single mom?

SM: The most difficult...Trying to be both parents when the other is not involved, when you have a son you have to remember to do things that he misses doing with his dad. Throwing football, teaching him the guy stuff he needs to know. Trying to understand what he is going through as a boy especially as he is entering the teen years. It's very difficult.

Having a daughter you have to understand she is missing that "daddy's girl love" that every lil' girl needs, and help her thru that, helping them to understand it is not their fault the father is not here anymore, I think that is why baby girl turned to sports, we all use to play as a family, all the time, its her comfort.

Then there is the trying to make it on one income, helping them with their homework, and making sure they do great in school, and finding the time between work and the activities they are involved in... the most rewarding would be.. getting to be there for it all, teaching them about God, right from wrong, and watching them grow and learn, it is well worth all the difficult things.

Seeing them smile as they make good grades, make that awesome play in whatever sports they're playing in. Tucking them in at night, saying prayers, and hearing them say I love you Mommy, and being there to help them deal with the difficult times, and answer all their questions.

Dad's up next...

They Didn't Stand A Chance

They Didn't Stand A Chance

They didn't stand a chance from the beginning, 
They didn't have a say.
They didn't have a ray of hope, good times thinning,
They didn't have a way.

They turned it all around, they were winning,
They made today a new day.
They have taken a stance, eliminated chance, 
They (with God) made a way.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

What do Assad, Putin, and Sarin have in common?

What do Assad, Putin, and Sarin have in common? They're all full of hot stinky, cut straight from the turd air, or in plain simple terms, "gassy."

I was recently invited to Russia because Dennis Rodman was in Korea, and Russia requested that President Obama send someone entertaining, but not repulsive, so they got Sivart Pooknyw. I think my Russian friends thought that I was actually a Brown Russian with a name like Pooknyw. Little did they know it was Aquafina in that Smirnoff bottle, not raw fermented taters! No worries either way, this brother laughed with the best of them. Mr. Putin liked me well enough that he hung a picture of me in the CR. No! Not their conference room, but the newly named "Sivart Pooknyw Comedy Room."

Vladimir Putin says that America should not call itself "exceptional," and that our economy, and politics are in shambles and on a downward spiral. I should've reminded ol' Vlad, that we still have Cadillac, THE Corvette, Harley Davidson, and apple pie. America still has relations with Europe and Asia that allow us to import, Lexus, Benz, and Ferrari, and a host of other countries and businesses as far as trade relations are concerned. While Russia's luxury vehicles are still tanks. Plus whether anyone else wants to give us credit or not (and we are a bit spoiled in America now), but we are still land of the free, and home of the brave, because we have the biggest hearted people on the planet.

I am biased and I am not as well traveled as some, but I just don't see too many places being anymore beautiful than the country that I live in. I am not eager to leave regardless of circumstance. I also not eager to send our troops to war. I am going to post some links from LA Times columnists that share their opinions on war, and what would be at risk in Syria.

One reply to a column says: So if we have a rifle and we're sitting on a hill, and witness a guy killing kids at the park, do we just sit there? Or do we call 9-11 and wait?

I would want to make sure it wasn't the filming of a movie before I took my rifle to a park and drilled somebody! I'd want my facts straight, and I'd want to make certain that there was no way that I would harm anyone else in my act of shooting. I hear what he was saying. I don't believe that children should be a part of warfare at all, and to see those children suffering from gas poisoning is horrible. However, how much more horrible is it, for us to get involved and hurt innocent people ourselves just because someone had a suspicion, or because we were misled (reference the war in Iraq), again? I'm in favor of us allowing these terrorist to play like rival gangs, and let them battle to the death, and eliminate one another, so long as they do not involve the children. Win-win for Israel, the US, and the rest of the free world. Putin can sit proud and say that he saved the world, and Assad can say, thank you Jesus, I will not be the next Iraqi dictator dead, Damsad Insane. Peace, and happy reading.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Mad Props Monday

Mad Props Monday:

To dad's that aren't too macho, to post or openly say how much their children mean to them. This Mad Props Monday is for you.

For teachers like Jorge Lopez. You are not just a good father, but an inspiration to a whole new generation! I pray that you bless many classes to come as a teacher. You are a father figure to many that will never know their fathers, and a morale booster to those that do, but don't get the support they desire from home. I wore red for teachers like you today.

To friends that know how to treat you, because they treat you like you want to be treated. They can empathize with you, when it comes to the knowledge of being mistreated, they (Chubb Rock intro) treat you right. You already know who you are, and... that I love you!

Props to some really great clergymen in our county and adjacent counties. Pastor Jeremy, Pastor Brad, for the opportunities, and the words that I am undeserving of, thank you. I am more than grateful for you! You rock because of the Rock, and no I don't mean Mr. Johnson, although, he's a bad man!

To professionals that are not afraid to show you a glimpse of the person outside the office, inside the office. Thank you Hal Harrison, I truly hope you will be a judge in our county very soon! Well part of me at least, the other part of me says you are an excellent attorney, in fact too good, and I'd like to be able to call on you if the need ever arises again. Thank you sir, for all you do!

To directors that allow their actors and artists to grow, rather than limit them in their productions, I give you props! Andrew Gall, you are a class act sir, your response and understanding are greatly appreciated, and I am forever grateful. So anyone reading this, go see, "A Few Good Men." Scott Keel, Dan Clancy, and Jen Russ just replaced the faces of Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore on my DVD cover. They are awesome leads, and are supported by some very special people as well. They are as talented as they are good looking, so reserve your seats now. A Few Good Men will run through September 7th.

Last but certainly not least:
Props to my children, I am proud to say that if I haven't taught you anything else, I am glad to know that I have taught you how to love, because I not only see, when you all smile at me, I not only hear it when you laugh at me, I feel it everyday when you are near me.I love all of you!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Good Pick Me Up

At the 6:13 mark, Michael Moorer thanks God, his Lord and Savior, then says immediately after, "Cheif Knocks I did it man, all o' Detroit, f...'in' right man!" Nothing like a fighters spirit, right?

But Bert Cooper was a warrior as well, and a good humble Christian, struggle with drugs, and other addictions, as many of us do. He fought with heart, and said humbly that he would continue to keep pressing forward with God.

This is remindes me of Proverbs 24:16:
"For a righteous man may fall seven times
And rise again,
But the wicked shall fall by calamity."

Although, these two men fell a combined 4 times in this fight, over the course of 5 rounds, it takes heart to get set on your duff, and set down hard, only to rise again, and rise victorious. Boxing has always inspired me, and on a day like today, this did my heart good. Gods' number for completion (a complete week, etc...), is seven. Moorer looked completely out, and so did Cooper, and they battled until they could battle no moorer... RISE UP!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Transitioning... One Bad Brotha - A Few Good Men

I remember each summer as a teen, I would step through my doorway and feel the warmth of the California sun and think:
It's a great day to be alive, if for no other reason, simply because it's a great day to be in the water.

My routine consisted of in the water (beach or pool didn't matter), for 30 minutes, then lounge in the sun to warm back up for 10-15 minutes, then back to the board, or the swim. Laughing, cutting up with friends, man what a life! Then abruptly, like mom walking in and turning the TV off in the middle of your favorite show because homework wasn't finished/started, comes the coolest breeze of summer. This is Mother Natures way of telling you that Father Time tapped her and said, "Time for the happy dance before we 'Fall!" Fall get it? Ok not in the mood for corn? I'll have to feed you with something else then, I suppose.

Life, like nature's seasons all have periods of transitioning. The same holds true for ones theatrical life. I went from playing a part of a few unruly, "bad" men in Peter Pan as Bill Jukes the notorious pirate, to being a good man, as the constable "Horace" in Drood, to joining "A Few Good Men." Oh, and one great lady. 

The "Playhouse" is my home field, it like Berry Chapel was for my ministry is where I cut my teeth. The transition has been fabulous, and here it is in "A Few Good Pictures:"

Peter Pan - I was in a cast of crazies (A Few Bad Men), and for the record, Bill Jukes is resting, and very much alive!

The Mystery of Edwin Drood - The H man, "Horace" the constable in with (A Few Even Badder Men), because it's not 'bad' meaning 'bad,' but 'bad' meaning 'good,' and the term "worse" just wouldn't fit well here. 

Drood had a few fab (great) ladies, as did Petey Pan with Pan being a lady... 
A Few Good Men - I have the privilege of working with a fine Marine MP, Cpl. Dunn, my son TC in this one. 

What ever the season is, whatever the transition, move forward and embrace each phase. Woody Hood, Andrew Gall, thank you for allowing me to work under the tutelage of true professionalism in a way that allows any actor to have fun! You both build on creativity, rather than limit it! I am grateful. To the cast, actors, interns, managers, and technicians much love to you all, it has been an awesome ride! Ok y'all I've got to get to lines, I've got a lot of work to do yet... See you in Washington DC, I've got a few guys to put away!

Marine Lt. "Smiling" Jack Ross

A Few Good Men

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


1:  to blunder in the choice of <mistook her way in the dark
2 a: to misunderstand the meaning or intention of: misinterpret <don't mistake me, I meant exactly what I said about my shoe>
b: to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of 

To be wrong <she mistook the statue of Jesus in the park for a (bearded) lady>

1: A wrong judgment: misunderstanding

Those are the Merriam-Webster definitions of the transitive, and intransitive verbs "mistake," "To blunder in the choice of..." "To be (very) wrong..." And last but not least the noun form, of the word "mistake," "a wrong judgment." 

Sivart Pooknyw's definition says, "Something one does to keep them from continuing on their way." He looks at the word a bit differently. 

His definition derives from the Latin "mi," and Middle English "stake." Mi (pronounced like the English "me") in the Latino world translates in English to "my." Stakes in the standard English could mean something at risk, or something that is holding another object in a state of being inanimate. Stakes keep things in place. 

Mistakes according to Sivart Pooknyw can do one of two things for a person. 

1: they can allow one to grow (mature, learn), because they teach valuable lessons in ones confinement, or 

2: the confinement grows (becomes GREATER) because the individual does not. 

We may learn from our mistakes and become greater individuals, and ultimately find freedom from those mistakes afterwards because of the lessons that we have learned, or we may continue in them and find ourselves stuck, confined, tethered, staked in the same mess we've always be staked in. 

If you're a pup who enjoys being off the leash, and not being of the leash (confined by the dog tie stake) then Siv's "First" is the direction you should be leaning in. 

My grandfather would use the dog analogy in a little different light and say, "Never let the same dog bite you twice." 

Another dog analogy could read like this:
Every weekend one of us goes to a club and says, "He/she doesn't love me, he/she lied to me, but what goes around comes around! Karma is a b¡+€#!!!
For those of you using that form of dawg analogy, please note that THE only thing going round is YOU! YOU are chasing your own tail, when you chase a different tail (lustfully) every other weekend. Also just for clarity's sake, if you're looking for tail in or out of a club every weekend or for "a" weekend you're chasing in lust. I've learned that the hard way a time or two as well, that you don't physically look for love, but rather that the SPIRIT of love finds you. 

Albert Einstein once said something along these lines... Insanity is expecting a different end result while you are stuck in the same beginning actions. If you aren't willing to change your ways, habits, and actions, then don't expect your consequences to change either. 

To close on a Bulldog baseball note, my stake needs to be pulled (and I'm preaching at self), the hitch in my swing needs to be removed, my mechanics are off, and causing me to strike out! Congratulations, if you hear those words, and you're truly making the CORRECT changes... It means you are on your way to freedom. May your MiStakes be SweepStakes to freedom. 

Blessings... SP

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Whodunit of Whodunits

The Mystery of Edwin Drood has a dynamic cast, and crew. From production down to housekeeping, this is a wonderful group of people. This show is not meant for the audience to merely show up and watch, but it is intended for the audience to feel a part of, to have fun, relax, feel at home, and enjoy. Plus the Playhouse has a wonderful choice selection of vino. Yes, you may treat yourself or your date to a glass of fine wine. You may also wine and dine, as you cure your thrust with wine, and fancy your hunger by feasting on fine theatrics.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood is a Tony Award Winning play, with music from Rupert Holmes, a fabulous orchestra directed by the amazing Mrs. Ginger Haselden, choreographed by Mrs. Tina Foor, and the production directed by none other than Mr. Woody Hood.

The show has mild adult humor, and is led by the wit, and charm of your Chairman/Mayor "Thomas Sapsea" (Andrew Gall), with a host of lead cast, that intrigue and invite you to think deeply, move in endless fun, and partake in vast possible endings. You the audience actually have a say in how you have spent your money at this production! A fantastic suspense filled musical comedy, that will have you ready to dance and cheer with the cast in the aisles. You don't want to miss this edge of your seat, to out of your seat experience. Reserve your tickets now!

Here are a couple of options for purchasing:
You may take the risk in getting a last minute seat by driving here:https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Parkway+Playhouse,+Green+Mountain+Drive,+Burnsville,+NC&hl=en&sll=35.170517,-79.860994&sspn=4.705019,10.777588&oq=parkway+playhou&t=h&hq=Parkway+Playhouse,&hnear=Green+Mountain+Dr,+Burnsville,+Yancey,+North+Carolina+28714&z=16

Or you may reserve seats online by following one of the links below:


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Final Love Story

The imperfect Christian has a story that may be a bit graphic for younger audiences, so be forewarned as a parent.

The imperfect Christian was reminiscing over a dear friend, one that knew no limits in love. This friend was the most compassionate, humanitarian anyone could ever meet.  The friend became a best friend, a major influential figure, and a mentor. The imperfect one remembers his friend announcing in a formal letter (a final love story) that it was time for their departure. It was one of the saddest times a person could ever endure. The imperfect Christian was losing the perfect friend.

Imagine your best friend saying that they were going to move several hours away. Imagine going to an empty house, and not finding your best friend there, or the love of a lifetime there. Imagine you've lost your job. Imagine finding a suicide note with the follow bits of information:

The doctor has informed me that I have cancer. My spouse left me, and has taken our children 900 miles away. I have endured being abusing daily, both verbally and physically. My spouse has cheated on me, and I have experienced the pain of what it is like to cheat on a spouse. I love life, but I am so depressed that the thought of suicide rushes in like the flood waters from a heavy rain, on soft, rich, mountainous soil. On top of all of this, my friend, that is closer than any brother, told the people that hated me most, just where to find me, then the government has falsely accused me. They have tried me unjustly and now they are imprisoning me. I was in the theatre where couples were slain, I was in the school when children killed children, but none of them would come to me for cover. They wouldn't allow me to help. Now they won't treat me, and the only medicinal aid they will grant me, is a vile, bitter liquid. They are prepared to beat me, and have exposed me to the other belligerent souls here, and they have taken their hate out on me. I have endured: adultery, bullying, gender discrimination, genocide, murder, racism, rape, treason, and on and on... I had lost my job, battled depression, had my best friend set me up, and now I am walking a deeper green mile than Stephen King ever dreamed of. I am on death row, and I have every ailment, and form of disease known to mankind. Everything from aids to a toothache, and now the public despises me as well. As I sit here alone I can only pray that all of this is just a bad dream, and that there is some way out. When I wake up, this will all be over, and thing will be as they were, and everything will be ok, and I will know this not to be true. If there is anyway, I pray this not to be necessary!

The imperfect Christian first met this dear friend, as a child, at his grandmother's house. This friend has seen the imperfect Christian through lifes' struggles, time and time again. This friend never once turned their back on the imperfect one. The imperfect one was bitter at this friend, and this friend on a few occasions, and unlike any other friend, this friend stayed with the imperfect one even when he was less than perfect. From self murder, to murdering others, God knows your struggle. Ever wonder why God allowed His only begotten Son to die such a brutal death? Some say that Jesus, in a round about way, committed suicide because He didn't call on the legion of angels to destroy His captors.
Instead Jesus called His betrayer (Judas Iscariot) "friend!"
Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?” Matt 26:50 (NKJV)

Then Jesus said to Peter:
"Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? Matt 26:52&53 (NKJV)

The imperfect Christian is not suggesting anyone commit suicide, but I am thinking that in this instance, THE Son of God was thinking of the son of perdition. Blasphemy against the Holy One, and denying yourself daily grace, (not believing in the SON), are the only unpardonable sins.

This is my final love story, because there is no other love, no other love like this.

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Father Knows Best, Mother Knows Better

"Burt yelling at him doesn't work!" ~  Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy

There is a difference between good leadership, and great leadership. 

"Get to know your players Burt..." ~
Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy 

Get to know your players! Those are serious words of wisdom. 

Being an obnoxious tyrant doesn't make you a good leader. Some folks you have to light a fire under, but there are different ways to spark a flame, and build a fire. Any leader that demands peak performance from their team must first demand (from themselves) the dedication it takes in getting to know their team and lead them as a true leader leads, in LOVE. Not all mama's pamper their babies, or spoil them into oblivion. Leigh Anne Tuohy didn't pick up after Michael Oher. Leigh Anne Tuohy didn't scream at Michael Oher in order to get results. She instilled in him a self discipline, out of tough love. If your mother was a great leader call on her skills, lead as she led, love your team, and lead them in love.  You just might find another Michael Oher, and become a true leader and not a yelling Burt...

Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. 

Hebrews 13:17

Sunday, July 14, 2013

All Good Things...

The old cliché is, "All good things must come to an end." True in a sense, but farthest thing from it, in another. Peter Pan came to a close, for me, on Jukeslie 13th. Bill Jukes is not dead, by the way, he is simply resting (until 5pm, then back to business with Drood)!

Peter Pan was reported as the second most successful production in the Playhouse's 67 year history. I am honored to be a part of that. According to Andrew Gall (Artistic Producing Director) not only was the cast represented by a diverse group, but there was also a very wide variety of representation with the viewing audience at this production as well. The show had people as far away as Hawaii come be part of the viewing audience. 

To be a part of this is such a blessing and I am grateful for the experience. I am grateful to have support from the family and friends that I have. Not everyone knows or understands what it's like to be able to appreciate a wonderful support group. I had an uncle from the California Bay Area, an aunt from Nevada, cousins from DC, an aunt from the Greensboro Triad Area, and friends that I haven't seen since high school and some newer, but very special friends come to support me. I love you all. But getting flowers from my kids, and having my baby girl bring me congratulatory candy was one of the greatest gifts/compliments that I could have ever received. I love you guys! 

My writing is not that of a man, or an actor that feels he has obtained celebrity status from his first play in years, rather it is a writing of great gratitude! A humble thank you to a great number of people that have made a significant impact on my life! 

I sat backstage in various places and felt the hearts and souls of a lot of good people. People that are now my stage siblings. The Lost Boys! Those young ones were, and will always be awesome to me. I pray that their love and dedication remains steadfast for the arts! My only word of advice to them would be this: 

Take your time, think things through, love your loved ones through the years, don't sweat the small stuff, and when you come of age to vote, vote for leaders that will help you pursue your dreams. You and all Americans have the right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. So a huge thanks to the Lost Boys for a wonderful experience. I know some of their parents very well, and love them all. I only pray that they don't ask them about any old stories that I might have shared with their parents, from our school days, and some after. (Smile) Hopefully they will, for now at least, reminisce with the story of Peter Pan. Kade Hoilman, I am especially speaking to you sir! 

The braves were great, and end the end gave us (the cast) all a reason to smile. Perhaps it was just me, but Taylor Hutchinson, aka "Tiger Lily," actually looked the part of a true Indian Princess! Then the roar of Lily Polgar (Little Big Panther), "They fear me!" That's a line that I will not soon forget! 

The Mermaids, smiled brightly, sang sweetly, and looked lovely. For such sweet group of creatures, they were almost as sinister as We The Pirates! Their desire to drown only a few Lost Boys is the only factor that places them in the backseat to being the most sinister characters in the play. They were as stunning as they were awesome, and I ask that they forgive us as we struggled to figure out when and who it was, that would carry them on stage, from time to time. 

Sitting backstage, and behind the window, I was only allowed to witness certain things early on in the show, but the laughter that came from the house (audience) was invigorating on the hot nights. Myra McCourry I admired from the view of her shadow, and voice! Myra did a great job as Pan! "You come out of there and apologize to me!" said Ms. McCourry (Pan) in a very boisterous tone, speaking to Tinkerbell, as she shook Havens clock violently. That portion of the play always received a hearty laugh. 

Izsie Hilbert I viewed and listened to through the set window. Iz, is a songbird! She is truly a talent and I look forward to being blessed with seeing her in many, many more productions! 

I also viewed (on the opposite side of the set window with her husband) the eyes of Mrs. Darling (Anna Franklin-Bailey), and her stage voice! Sophistication, professionalism, and elegantly industrious all wrapped into one! She did a wonderful job. 

There was a lot of good people, a lot of talented people, and a lot of generous people that made this a beautiful experience for me. Thank you all. 

Speaking of generous people... a huge thanks to all donors, and volunteers that make things possible. Without them, the arts, and the life as we artist know it, is not the same. Thank you donors and volunteers for the personal inspiration to pay it forward, and to give back as I can. The unspoken lessons are usually the most inspiring ones. 

I saw a few names on the bill that I know fairly well. Theresa Colletta... I remember delivering to at the Yancey library, and I am praying to deliver for her on stage now. She was one of the bright spots from my courier days! The Stella family, and I are even friends on Facebook now! (Smile) The Weinmeister's are in that same Facebook boat as well, it was a privilege to meet your families. 

Last but certainly not least:

I am thankful to my brothers in sinister, theatrical crime. I never dreamed that I would be involved in a production with such a diverse, yet contradictorily similar band of brothers. What do you get when you take a Presbyterian pastor, a UMC pastor/school teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, an English teacher, an awesome student and son to the UMC minister and teacher, a couple of interns, and some crazy eyed brotha that has done it all, and put them in a play together? You get one bad band of PIRATE BROTHERS! 

From the first fiasco in getting his Hook stuck in the wall, to the final plunge into the deep blue, and finally the last few moments after strike, and bidding each other farewell in the street, the good doctor was/is an awesome friend. Hopefully I'll see him down the road again at some point. Dr. Jeff Polgar, "I got to work with my daughter, that was pretty cool!" You sir are, "pretty cool!"

I am also hoping that my new and good friend Steven B, will be inspired to a Starkey and Jukes reunion often! I am having a short film flashback, and seeing him hoist that pistol like a periscope over our heads! I see the last signal and cue that he gave to me, and his smile! Steven Bailey is a good one!

Pastor Steve Elderbrock I'll be by to fellowship with I'm hoping very soon. He was an awesome Smee, and a true brother in Christ! "Rip!" Only Smee could unknowingly rattle Hook as he did! 

Mac, "the ship is bewitched!" Mr. Pauley, your secret is safe with me, what happens near the shop entrance, stays at the shop entrance! I hope I am able to catch up on some Chappelle Show, and talk music again. 

Ryan Robertson! This guy! Words do not do him justice! From the ghost of Nana to  Mullins and the quarter wrapped bandana, he helped keep me sane. It's a small world. We realized that our mothers knew each other from the hospital. When he hits the top I may need a place to hangout one day, "right down by da de beach, boiee!" 

Esquire Barry! Without him, we would have been... well in need of someone remembering his lines! I truly missed him at the final show, and I pray that he gets well soon, sir. It was an honor having him as a fellow pirate! 

Caleb G... in the words of Montel Jordan, "every since I was a lowercase g!" I'll one day say that I've known him since he was a lowercase g, to the uppercase G! Caleb is the man! He always got me stoked before every performance! I'll see him in Hollywood one day I'm sure, but for now, I'll catch you around here! 

Cecco, is my brotha from anotha motha! Thee Uppercase G! He shared show experience with me, as well as life experiences. I am blessed to have been embraced and as welcomed as I was by his family while we were on stage together. His baby girl an my baby girl admire each other, and I pray that we all will have many great years celebrating our friendship! 

Thanks to everyone involved in this production. Come see me in Drood next! July 27th - August 10th

Monday, May 27, 2013

Friendship Like the Sky

The critical thinker, thinks on high. 
The critical thinker, declares friendship is like the sky. 
The proud friend, like storm clouds attempt to overshadow all others. 
Your best friend, your child's friend, your sister, your brother. 

The proud friends say that they'll be right there. 
But like your last balloon ride, they're full of hot air. 
They need their space, but you need their best. 
You need your space, they won't let you rest. 

Seasons and hours most often do change. 
A so-called friend like the formation of clouds rearrange. 
The so-called stand in the way, they pour out life lessons. 
Your True Blu's listen, and pour out sweet blessings. 

Lying in a field on my back, looking to the sky, I watching the sun burn away, as it does everyday. I notice that the clouds are not consistent in shape or form, only in the fact that they fade away. I thought about the similarities between them all, and about friendship.

The sun comes and goes daily, but it's assured that the sun will come. Even if you abandon it, or even if you cannot see it because of the clouds, it's guaranteed that the sun is still there. The sun like a best friend, gives you time to rest, and takes time to take a break from you as well. The clouds are sporadic, and flighty. They provide temporary relief, possibly even from your best friend, but unlike the best friend, they dissipate and leave you with a blank space, a blue space, a void, that only the sun can fill. Friendship is like the sky in a sense. Feel the warmth of your best friend, enjoy the temporary satisfaction of your so-called friends, but by all means do not rely on them to help light your path in the days to come, regardless of how bright or dark the forecast says that those days will be. 





Thanks for being there without my having to ask...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bombers Fell (Fail), Fallen Boston Gets Up!

Courtesy of Google Maps

A friend of mine said something that really hit home to me. He wrote on his Facebook status, "It(')s sad. It takes tragedy in this country to pull us together. As soon as the tragedy is over we(')re right back cutting each others throats(.)"

Crisis conversion seems to be the most popular movement in our nation nowadays. It converts the weak into believing they're strong, because they use strong language. It converts the quiet American into the ultimate Patriot, because they use strong Patriotic language. It converts non-believers into believers (some temporary), or so-called believers. It converts the slightly ignorant into the extremely ignorant.

New York's tragedy quickly became America's tragedy. Most recently Boston, became America's tragedy. Before that Sandy Hook, and even further back Pearl Harbor.

9/11, and Pearl Harbor trickled into worldwide tragedies, and caused other countries to lament with us, while others laughed at us. Although, there might not be as many fatalities in Boston, it is slowly becoming a worldwide tragedy. The Boston bombings are opening the eyes of other nations, and it is slowly but surely opening the eyes of many Americans. We here in America hear about bombings in other nations, but we have not been accustomed to hearing about such events here in the United States, at least not until the turn of the century. Pearl Harbor was the last devastating event of war or mass destruction (other than natural disasters like Southern hurricanes) to take place on American soil until 9/11. We Americans, and good people of the world (the human race) still continue on. "Look for the helpers. You will always find PEOPLE who are helping," is what social networkers are saying that Mr. Rogers once said. I am not sure that Mr. Rogers actually said that, but I can totally see him saying that, and it's powerful.

We Americans argue about politics, we argue about religion, sports teams, and about the cities we're from being better than any of the other cities on the planet, but it all boils down to this... it is not one that makes us American, it's all. Born here or Naturalized, it's all of us. All of us that live to defend the declaration set many years ago; the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "E Pluribus Unum." Many that make US ONE!

Our global community is human. It's not one human, nor one country that makes us human, it's all of us. We can't hate one religious group (well we can, but we shouldn't), because of tragedy. We can't be quick (well we can, but we shouldn't be, although, unfortunately, we usually are), to accuse someone on whim. Capriciousness, often causes unnecessary actions, injustice, and unjust movements, like wars that could be prevented.

Do I pray for Boston, New York, schools nationwide, and all of my other fellow Americans? Of course I do. For the safety of each venue, from educational facilities, to rival sports venues. I pray for them, and those that view, me, us, and them enemy. I may bad mouth the Yankees, Sox, Knicks, and Celts, but that's because they are my people and we LIVE for those moments when we can say we bested you in LIVELY competition, not in jihad... Which by the way is the ugliest oxymoron ever! Holy and war together, not if you're a true man or woman of God. Most importantly, we live for those moments to say that we can boast about our togetherness, the love of sport, country, and fellow man. Boston blessing to you, from your quiet neighbors down here in the Bible belt, we love you and stand with you, because together we make this nation what it is. FREE and COURAGEOUS!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

How Many We're Left?

How many gears are left? When do we switch gears? For Kobe Bryant it was around game # 32. Ironically enough, it is not only my old number, or baby girls current number, it also happens to be Earvin "Magic" Johnson's old number. What's ironic about that? Well the Lakers are a sub .500 team, which for you math buffs and non-sports fans means they have not won as many games as they have lost. They have, however, improved. They are only 3 games below .500 (24-27) now and on a tough East Coast road trip. They've battled injury and managed to get closer to .500 in part, due to Kobe Bryant changing the way he plays. Now the heavy non-sports critic might ask, "Seriously, one guy really made that much of a difference?" The answer is, somewhat, yes he did. It's a collective (team) effort, but it has to start somewhere right? So goes life.

Kobe stepped away from the "me first, me only," scoring mentality and dared to be more like a previous Laker great Magic Johnson, and has began to get his teammates involved. The Lakers are more productive as a team, and gradually getting back to the Laker norm, and winning games. Also bettering their chances at another title. So how many losses does it take to realize it's time to switch gears?

With that said, how many are left? Meaning how many are left that would want to play with a ball hogging, shoot first, washed up scoring champion, that couldn't help "them" win an NBA Championship? Not many. But how many would desire playing with a past NBA Champion, that was also the NBA Scoring Champion, and made them a part of that championship legacy? Most!

What's better, telling your kids or grand kids that you played a solid defensive game, while Kobe did not, but that he scored 45 points that night as you lost by 12, or... telling them that he set you up for 3 wide open 3's that you drained like lay-ups, and he led you with a sweet pass that turned into a dunk? Let's say also, WHILE he scored 4 or 44 (who cares because you won by double digits), and took the NBA crown all in the same breath! Yeah the latter sounds much more appealing right?

So how about friendship? What about family? Do you have a me first and me only mentality? Yes, I'm speaking to self most of all. What are you going to do when there are none left that want to play in YOUR game, or on YOUR team? Will you switch gears keep family together, to keep old friends around, gain new ones along the way, or will you be all about self and retire lonely? YOUR worth, good times, and attractiveness are fading, what do you have left... money? If so I can assure you not near enough to buy love, just enough to fake it and get lost in it. Wait though, you don't need money or anything else, after all they're family and friends, right? They're family and friends, they have to love you, right? Isn't that a given, won't they get over my abusing them? Physical abuse might leave a memorable fleshy scar, but what if the physical or even verbal abuse cuts deeper? You can put a band-aid on a surface wound, or a cast on a broken limb. You can see those things. Smoking around your children and exposing them to second hand smoke or teaching them that smoking is cool and creating an illness like asthma, emphysema, or bronchial diseases you can't see. It's the me first mentality talking.

Yelling at your partner in front of your children, or parents for that matter, you don't physically see the trauma until they express it. Cancer works that way. The way you're acting in a situation like that is the same difference as cancer, you can't see it.

So was your action a scratch, cut, or broken bone or was it a cancer? Choose your words wisely, and your actions even more wisely, and make sure that they are not cancerous. You may kill off the love of those closest to you with no hope of remission. Who knows? Let's hope that's not true, but let's not test it either. You can only ignore the wrong so many times, and only say I'm sorry (if you even really mean it) so many times. So how many are left today? How many will be left, providing you, or they see another tomorrow? Just a little something to think about this week as you leave home, career, and any other activity I may have missed.

Thank you Andrew Gall and class for the Einstein quote:

Insanity is doing the same old, same old and expecting a different out come.

SWITCH GEARS before there are none! Peace...