Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fantasies, Wishful Thinking, & I Doubt It


My fantasy is that one year I would get an auto draft so fabulous that I could claim our fantasy leagues trophy before the season started.
It is wishful thinking considering that I am too booked to really put any time into anything right now, and I was autodrafted a pretty mediocre team to boot.
Would there be a generous soul willing to shift a QB around and help a brotha out? The answer is no! Charles your cue: "I May Be Wrong, But I DOUBT IT!"

Charles Barkley: "I May Be Wrong (But I Doubt It)" from Hype Communications on Vimeo.

My fantasy is that Wisconsin, UCLA, or UNC would win a CFB National Championship.

It is wishful thinking, and Wisconsin has the best shot at that title. Carolina's schedule is too weak, and they are not in a football conference, or known as a football school. Under Coach Davis' watch they also had some rules violations that have hindered their shot at any greatness, for a long while. At least we still play Duke, but that might not be such a good thing this year either. UCLA has a coach that went through violations problems in his past as well. I believe in second chances, and I believe people can change.

Sadly enough, to all the above, I do not believe that Wisconsin has the defensive prowess to win it all. They have plenty of offensive firepower, but not the D. UNC might have a break out season under new management, but I do not see it! I pray that they do not struggle against Duke this year! The misfortunes at UCLA could change, but again Coach Newheiststeal had his violations woes at Colorado, and the heavy watch would get to anyone. So, I think UCLA will continue to struggle as well. Therefore I have no choice but to cue Charles, because I don't think any of my schools can pull off the miracle season... "I May Be Wrong, But I Doubt It!"


Time for the Vuelta... My fantasy would be seeing Fabian Cancellara come back from 144th place to win the Vuelta, and have Leopard Trek take the overall team title as well! Or have Tiago Machado win the General Classification, and have Team Radio Shack take the overall team title. Oh right, I forgot about the podium finishes! Pick any other Trek riders to put in the 2nd and 3rd spot... and have the Team Overall with Shack or Leopard in first, with the other as runner up, and any of the American Teams to finish third. Yeah that would be sweet!

It's wishful thinking to think that Trek could win the GC and the Team Overall, and completely dominate in every category.

Again all of those things would be great, but it is not gonna happen... I May Be Wrong, But I Doubt It!


Jakob Fulgsang, Haimar Zubeldia, or Janez Brajkovic could come back from being only a few seconds, or a few minutes down. I believe it can be done, and I believe that the highly talented Leopard Trek rider from Denmark (Jakob Fuglsang) can and will win the Vuelta... I could be wrong, but I doubt it!

OK time to clean up, room, bike, me, and get to gittin'!!! Peace...

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