Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday Shocking & Not So Shocking Sports

First of all I got to sleep in! Huge bonus! Then I was able to take my middle son to meet with his career coach. This FBI gig, is looking pretty sweet! Then back home for last minute preps and on to Beech Mtn! The Dual Slalom National Championships took place today. I got to meet super fast, (and eventual National Champion if he keeps riding like he is) Neko Mulally! The guys in Waterloo know how to pick winners! Neko came to the finish line today, like none of the other racers dared to! The first photo is a happy medal winning Neko Mulally, the second photo is the finish line set up with photo finish cams, and the last photo shows you the double jump, and finish line. Neko (without a 250cc motor) cleared the double, while most everyone (99.%) went around the doubles. Neko borught the house down and had the crowds screaming to the tops of their lungs when he tail whipped his Trek smoothly over the double jump! Neko was later labeled, Neko "Mr. X_Citement" Mulally. Great ride from the young Pennsylvania Trek star.
Neko Kicking butt on a Trek... Normal, so that was your not so shocking...

My Tar Heels, made a few mistakes, but still played a Nationally ranked conference opponent, and held their own. 28-35 to #25 GT, yeah, yeah I'll take that! But how about Clemson knocking off FSU!? Yikes! The Tigers brought the A game, but will they be able to shake of the South Carolina jinx and keep moving forward? There is your "a bit shocking news..."

Last but not least current UFC Light Heavy Weight Champ, Johnny "Bones" Jones, took out former UFC Light Heavy Weight Champ, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. Jones wore Jackson down. Jones used his versatility to keep Jackson at length, and slowly wore him down. A series of knees, and a couple of complaints from Jackson, then a few elbows, and leg strikes, and Jones kept Jackson at bay. The fourth round was the most fatal, and Jones put Jackson down near the cage. Jackson tired, and trying to get to his feet and retaliate was caught by a spry Jones, who quickly attacked Jackson, and mounted from behind, and forced Jackson to tap after being place in a rear naked choke! Can you say, Evans you're next? Evans is a bit more agile, than Jackson, but nowhere near as versatile as Jones. I don't see anyone but Jones defeating Jones for a long, long time! Rampage tapping!? OK to me shocking! Not that he lost to a great champion, but that he being who he is, and tapping... shocking!

Down Hill tomorrow at Beech Mtn! More Treks, more National Champions to crown! If you are reading this later on Sunday morning, get up, wash your face, eat on the way out of the house, and bring your fun face to the mountain top! Beautiful view, great racing, and fun with the fam! How can you go wrong?

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