Monday, September 12, 2011

Feelings, Nothing More Than Feelings...

You ever just get one of those feelings? Some are good, and some not so good. Well watching in camp during drills, it appeared that Cam being hurried, and shown blitz packages struggled. But the struggle was a good struggle. One play Cam hit Sutton in the back with a pass on a blitz. Cam got rid of the ball quick, but with a great corner, that could have been six going the other way. So at times, the timing was a bit off, but when they studied, and talked things over, Cam never came out with his head down. His attitude was always fiery! On the next series of downs Coach Rivera had the D rushed him again in, and he lobbed the ball perfectly, perfect spiral, and just enough air under the ball, to Clowny who scored a 60+ yard TD! The one thing that scares me about Cam, is his attitude, and fire! Well it get him into trouble off of the field. I still do not like the fact, that he and his father flirted with NCAA violations, but that is now a thing of the past, and hopefully it, and any other situations like it stay there. I think Steve Smith likes him, as well as the Black Cat Club. I am a fan, just not as optimistic of a fan as I would be like to be, because if the trust issues. But hey, it's not like I haven't been given a second chance a gazillion times!

The UCI World Championship in Denmark will wrap up all of the major events for this cycling season. Fabian Cancellara will go for his fifth title on his third brand of machine. I am praying that he can win the fifth on the Trek, but there will be some young guns looking to dethrone him this year for sure. Tony Martin looks like he will be very tough to beat this year. I guess we will see on Sept 21st. GO Trek GO!

Well hate to leave a party short lived, but the next one is about to crank up soon... Raiders-Broncos y'all. Are You Ready For Some Football...

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