Monday, February 6, 2012

Cruising On A Sunday Afternoon...

The flat tire was overcome (caused by the point -speck on the sink edge- of the twig pictured above), and again we ride! Alberto Contador wasn't as fortunate, being stripped of a title, and suspended until August of this year!

No matter what sports you may like, dislike, or may be involved in, this is a class act!!! Here is a quote from one of Alberto Contador's fellow cyclists (Radio Shack/Nissan/Trek rider Andy Schleck), and toughest competitors:
“There is no reason to be happy now,” Schleck said in a statement issued by his team. “First of all I feel sad for Alberto. I always believed in his innocence. I battled with Contador in that race and I lost.”

That's classy no matter what the sport may be!!! He embraced the pain of a fellow rider and didn't bash him, and say something along the lines of:
It would've been much better if they had caught this cheater in the first place, so I would not have had to win it this way! He realized that purposely or not, he is still a cyclist, and if it was contaminated meat that caused this, and the doping was not intentional, then it could very easily happen to anyone, even him!

What's even classier, however, is riding with a friend that will ride with you even though they haven't been on a bike in several years! ;) Sunday was a casual take it easy ride, but had great company, and a great day to enjoy! The sun, and the Sunshine were brilliant! Until the next one.

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