Saturday, February 4, 2012

Time To Look Back to Look 4Ward...

It was a beautiful Friday, sun shining, mild NW wind, just gorgeous. I got in a little later than what I had anticipated. I thought after my late arrival that I would not have the opportunity to ride like I wanted. Then one of my best friends, and my little sister caught me in the driveway. Wow, now I'm really thinking no ride for me today! I changed the top half and slipped into my jersey, and jacket while they talked with me, then went inside to change the lower. My son asked if he could go to his best friends house, and so now I've lost my riding partner! Uggghhh, what next! God steps in, and says ride, and take me. My little sister, my mom, and my life long friend pull up beside me and tell me that they are the team car. Boosted my spirit, and let me begin my ride with a smile.

I took my few hours of sunshine and took the ride to the mountains. The mountains make me feel free, so I called on them and then rode back into town. The vista from the Chalet was unreal!!! You could see for miles!!! I could see two counties over at the top! Then came the Blue Ridge Parkway! The head wind took my top mile per hour down, so I couldn't descend as quickly as I would have liked to, but it was a fun downhill regardless of the head wind, and the chill.

I got to spend time in meditation on the ride, and do a ride through town. No I didn't shoot at anyone, not a ride by, but a ride through. I had time to think about those that mean something to me, and felt even closer to them as a car almost backed out into me. Hahaha the reflexes are still working! Maybe not as good as they once were, but with Gods' hand they moved me out of harms way. I didn't go as fast as I would have liked to overall on the ride, but I did get to go hard! I saw friends in town and along the way, and I stopped to talk with them rather than wave, seem too busy for them, and then just ride by. Life is too short not to show people that you care for them! Take time to show you care, God "made" time for you (literally Genesis 1), and He will "make" time for you (John 15:26&27)!

The inaugural Family Remembrance Ride was perfect!

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