Friday, May 4, 2012

The Fight of Your Life!

With every new day comes a new struggle. Aluta continua... The struggle continues! If there is struggle, there is a will to survive! Adam Yauch struggled with cancer, like many people do or have done. Unfortunately Adam (MCA) Yauch succumb to the dreaded disease today. He seemed aged, but remained cheerful from what recent photos revealed.

The MCA that I will remember was part of a rebellious young group of New York rappers that pioneered the mixing of two worlds. The Beastie Boys combined a steady flow of hip-hop tunes with some dirty rock guitar, and made the collaboration work like no one had ever dreamed. I can still hear the heavy distorted guitar riff and MCA following up on AdRocks line (Ya pop caught you smoking' & he says no way!) and boldly calling out the hypocritical father in Fight For Your Right with, "That hypocrite smokes two packs a day!"

MCA will be missed, the Beastie Boys have been missed. Should the Beastie Boys find someone to honor the third mic for MCA I am certain that the Beastie following will give that fella a warm New York critique. So to whomever you may be, you had better come correct! Contrary to what Prince once said in a song, all the critics do not love you in New York. To the family and fans of Mr. Yauch, my heart is saddened, and my thoughts and prayers go out for you tonight... God rest the soul of Adam "MCA" Yauch.

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