Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our First & Last Day

To someone (most likely mama) it will be hard to forget the day you were born. I pray that the dash between the dates on your stone is the biggest number on the stone. I pray that all represented in that dash tells the greatest story about your life, and leaves a legacy, that not many could ever forget. I pray that we all live that kind of life. Especially for our loved ones. May the last day be used to cover all of that which I just said above.

So here is a tribute to those celebrating their first day today:

First off, the man who holds the spot light, and that I will not soon forget, my cousin MJ! Mike I love you, and I am proud of you!!! I hope I can show you a glimpse of the good times that your father, my uncle shared with me.

Next up the man who brought you, "The People's Eyebrow," and asked if you could smell what he was cooking! Happy Birthday to Dewayne Johnson, "The Rock."

The last birthday trib is to the man who had his name mentioned in the same sentence on a positive note mind you with the phrase, "Bend it like..."
I chose the first pic for the numbers sake, and the second goes without saying. Happy Birthday Davey B.

Lastly, to a big hitter, and a So. Cal kid that will be missed. He was one of the last Californian's to have a major impact on me, before I made the transition from CA to NC. Three of these guys are around the same age, and sadly the last has left us. A pastor once told me that we manifest our true identity when we are alone. When we sit and examine our hearts, and our minds with no one else around, that is when we see what and who we truly are, and are capable of being. I have had a lot of time to examine the true me here lately, and I wish that someone could have been there for Junior when he was going through this trial. I wish that someone would have been there to remind him, that even when we feel alone, that we don't have to be alone. Physically we may not have another body present, but there is a Spirit to lead your lonely soul. A Spirit that can gently remind, and sooth the weary soul. I've felt Him (The Holy Spirit) a lot here lately, and the conviction is great, but I pray that no matter how great the trial may be, that I see Him that is greater in me than a devil that wants us all to be or think that we are only of this world, and possibly so arrogant that we feel that we are the only soul that matters in this world. When we get to that point, the loneliness can strike full force, and get the best of us. Remember you are not alone. My heart goes out to #55 and his family. A So Cal tribute, and a tribute pic for the good friend and leader that made me aware of Juniors last day... 

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