Saturday, May 26, 2012

"My Trek 100" Are U Willing 2 Help Find The Cure?

I have been blessed to have a body healthy enough to take on the challenge of a 100 mile bicycle ride. I will take on that challenge June 9th, in beautiful Waterloo, Wisconsin, at the Trek 100. Riders of all ages participate, in teams, groups, or like myself, as an individual. The Trek 100 works with the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer or also know as the MACC Foundation. In 1976 former Milwaukee Buck Jon McGlocklin helped organize the MACC Fund. He is also the non-profit organizations current President. One thing I admire about him most is that he is also on the Athletic Board for the Wisconsin Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and has been since 1980. The MACC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to funding childhood cancer and related blood disorder research like sickle cell disease. Their goal is to be "cured out of existence."

I have a seven year old daughter, and every morning that I wake up, and hear her healthy, happy sweet little voice say, "I love you Daddy," I thank God. Not every father is blessed to wake up at home and hear those words from his child. Some parents wake up at the hospital, or awaken at home missing their child until they can get to the hospital and visit with their child. I am hoping to help eliminate any childhood disease that I can. Therefore, I ride.

My page is set up now, and ready to accept donations of any amount, and will be greatly appreciated. The link below is my personal link for the MACC Fund. I will not touch or see one penny of the funds. The donations are also tax deductible as well (hot link above for tax form). Here is my personal link:

God bless you all. Thanks in advance.

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