Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Good Pick Me Up

At the 6:13 mark, Michael Moorer thanks God, his Lord and Savior, then says immediately after, "Cheif Knocks I did it man, all o' Detroit, f...'in' right man!" Nothing like a fighters spirit, right?

But Bert Cooper was a warrior as well, and a good humble Christian, struggle with drugs, and other addictions, as many of us do. He fought with heart, and said humbly that he would continue to keep pressing forward with God.

This is remindes me of Proverbs 24:16:
"For a righteous man may fall seven times
And rise again,
But the wicked shall fall by calamity."

Although, these two men fell a combined 4 times in this fight, over the course of 5 rounds, it takes heart to get set on your duff, and set down hard, only to rise again, and rise victorious. Boxing has always inspired me, and on a day like today, this did my heart good. Gods' number for completion (a complete week, etc...), is seven. Moorer looked completely out, and so did Cooper, and they battled until they could battle no moorer... RISE UP!

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