Monday, August 26, 2013

Mad Props Monday

Mad Props Monday:

To dad's that aren't too macho, to post or openly say how much their children mean to them. This Mad Props Monday is for you.

For teachers like Jorge Lopez. You are not just a good father, but an inspiration to a whole new generation! I pray that you bless many classes to come as a teacher. You are a father figure to many that will never know their fathers, and a morale booster to those that do, but don't get the support they desire from home. I wore red for teachers like you today.

To friends that know how to treat you, because they treat you like you want to be treated. They can empathize with you, when it comes to the knowledge of being mistreated, they (Chubb Rock intro) treat you right. You already know who you are, and... that I love you!

Props to some really great clergymen in our county and adjacent counties. Pastor Jeremy, Pastor Brad, for the opportunities, and the words that I am undeserving of, thank you. I am more than grateful for you! You rock because of the Rock, and no I don't mean Mr. Johnson, although, he's a bad man!

To professionals that are not afraid to show you a glimpse of the person outside the office, inside the office. Thank you Hal Harrison, I truly hope you will be a judge in our county very soon! Well part of me at least, the other part of me says you are an excellent attorney, in fact too good, and I'd like to be able to call on you if the need ever arises again. Thank you sir, for all you do!

To directors that allow their actors and artists to grow, rather than limit them in their productions, I give you props! Andrew Gall, you are a class act sir, your response and understanding are greatly appreciated, and I am forever grateful. So anyone reading this, go see, "A Few Good Men." Scott Keel, Dan Clancy, and Jen Russ just replaced the faces of Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore on my DVD cover. They are awesome leads, and are supported by some very special people as well. They are as talented as they are good looking, so reserve your seats now. A Few Good Men will run through September 7th.

Last but certainly not least:
Props to my children, I am proud to say that if I haven't taught you anything else, I am glad to know that I have taught you how to love, because I not only see, when you all smile at me, I not only hear it when you laugh at me, I feel it everyday when you are near me.I love all of you!

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