Sunday, August 18, 2013

Transitioning... One Bad Brotha - A Few Good Men

I remember each summer as a teen, I would step through my doorway and feel the warmth of the California sun and think:
It's a great day to be alive, if for no other reason, simply because it's a great day to be in the water.

My routine consisted of in the water (beach or pool didn't matter), for 30 minutes, then lounge in the sun to warm back up for 10-15 minutes, then back to the board, or the swim. Laughing, cutting up with friends, man what a life! Then abruptly, like mom walking in and turning the TV off in the middle of your favorite show because homework wasn't finished/started, comes the coolest breeze of summer. This is Mother Natures way of telling you that Father Time tapped her and said, "Time for the happy dance before we 'Fall!" Fall get it? Ok not in the mood for corn? I'll have to feed you with something else then, I suppose.

Life, like nature's seasons all have periods of transitioning. The same holds true for ones theatrical life. I went from playing a part of a few unruly, "bad" men in Peter Pan as Bill Jukes the notorious pirate, to being a good man, as the constable "Horace" in Drood, to joining "A Few Good Men." Oh, and one great lady. 

The "Playhouse" is my home field, it like Berry Chapel was for my ministry is where I cut my teeth. The transition has been fabulous, and here it is in "A Few Good Pictures:"

Peter Pan - I was in a cast of crazies (A Few Bad Men), and for the record, Bill Jukes is resting, and very much alive!

The Mystery of Edwin Drood - The H man, "Horace" the constable in with (A Few Even Badder Men), because it's not 'bad' meaning 'bad,' but 'bad' meaning 'good,' and the term "worse" just wouldn't fit well here. 

Drood had a few fab (great) ladies, as did Petey Pan with Pan being a lady... 
A Few Good Men - I have the privilege of working with a fine Marine MP, Cpl. Dunn, my son TC in this one. 

What ever the season is, whatever the transition, move forward and embrace each phase. Woody Hood, Andrew Gall, thank you for allowing me to work under the tutelage of true professionalism in a way that allows any actor to have fun! You both build on creativity, rather than limit it! I am grateful. To the cast, actors, interns, managers, and technicians much love to you all, it has been an awesome ride! Ok y'all I've got to get to lines, I've got a lot of work to do yet... See you in Washington DC, I've got a few guys to put away!

Marine Lt. "Smiling" Jack Ross

A Few Good Men

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